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Посоветуйте RAT / Recommend RAT

0x47 сказал(а):
has anyone tried spectre botnet/rat? i was looking to purchase that sometime soon but i am doing my due diligence before i contact and attempt to buy. i have looked into warzone and venom(not very good reviews)

and where is link for quasar? i will look into that one too.


кто нибудь пробовал ботнет/крысу spectre? я хотел бы приобрести ее в ближайшее время, но пока не связывался и не пытался купить. я рассматривал warzone и venom (не очень хорошие отзывы).

А где ссылка на quasar? Я тоже посмотрю. И какой криптер лучше?
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Братан удачи найти криптеры на ботнеты если особенно они с автораном)
MoilerRenoiler сказал(а):
Братан удачи найти криптеры на ботнеты если особенно они с автораном)
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Я не искал конкретно ботнеты, но spectre обозначен как мутант этих двух, я думаю.

Я провожу целевые атаки и перемещаюсь по сети, поэтому, наверное, ищу вредоносное ПО, подходящее для этого.
Pernat1y сказал(а):
+ Дешевый (60$ в год)
+ Кроссплатформенный
+ Можно генерировать шеллкод/ехе под x86/x64
- Довольно редко обновляется

+ Частые обновления
+ Больше функционал
- Дороже (189 евро за пол-года)

Оба довольно стабильны и имеют весь основной функционал ратников.
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А где можно посмотреть netwire?
0x47 сказал(а):
has anyone tried spectre botnet/rat? i was looking to purchase that sometime soon but i am doing my due diligence before i contact and attempt to buy. i have looked into warzone and venom(not very good reviews)

and where is link for quasar? i will look into that one too.


Has anyone tried the Specter botnet/rat? I would like to purchase it in the near future, but have not yet contacted or tried to buy it. I looked at warzone and venom (not very good reviews).

Where is the link to quasar? I'll take a look too. And which cryptor is better?
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You can check Quasar here -> https://github.com/quasar/Quasar
DamonSalvatore сказал(а):
Hey there,
I am looking for a private rat. I was using netwire and as you all know Feds fucks them. Is there any way to emulate the netwire authentication? And also which one is the best one in the market other than remcos, i tried remcos but the detection rate is so high and finding proper encryption is too hard. Is there anyone who knows and private rat providers. Or comment me with some good rats in market. Have a good day🍻
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xworm not bad if your targets are english related , also strigori rat not bad too.. its java
VX-Underground releases cracks of paid rats. Pretty good if ya throw them in a crypter/packet. Would advise you to run it over RDP or in a sandbox, as I'm unsure if it's clean or not. Generally rats nowadays are pretty bad, but everything there should be good enough for ya.
Remcos is definitely top-tier quality if you can crypt it. Other options:

+ built in stealer and file grabber, and discord token grabber
+ webcam access
+ shell code generation
+ auto-schedule tasks
+ hVNC is pretty good
+ registry editor and file manager
+ remote desktop capture and record
- stealer is barebones, you'll probably need a dedicated stealer still
- not FUD need to crypt

SeroXen (heavily modified Quasar):
+ Fully undetectable - no need to crypt
+ Plugin support and community who develops plug ins for it
+ .dll loading/execution
+ registry editor and file manager
+ remote desktop capture and record
- hVNC is broken
- crashes a lot
- stub can only be .bat
- developer updates often and takes the whole RAT down so you can't use it while its updating (deal breaker in my opinion)

+ By far the best HVNC right now if you need HVNC. Stable, high FPSs, all functions work
+ $400 lifetime
+ webcam
- not FUD - need to crypt (the developer offers crypt service for his products, dont use it, his crypts are public and garbage and dont last long, find your own crypter or crypt yourself)
- Not much other functionality. Its best used as a dedicated HVNC if you can't find any other working one

+ Webcam access
+ remote desktop capture and record
+ very stable
+ free
- not FUD - need to crypt
- no hVNC
- can't see offline clients

Plenty of others out there, but those are ones I have experience with.

If crypting your stub isn't a problem, I'd use Async since it is free, and then use it as a "loader" to pivot to something better like Purehvnc if you need HVNC.
soggyTowel сказал(а):
Remcos es definitivamente de primera calidad si puedes cifrarlo. Otras opciones:

+ Ladrón y capturador de archivos integrado, y capturador de tokens de discordia
+ acceso a cámara web
+generación de código shell
+ tareas de programación automática
+ hVNC es bastante bueno
+ editor de registro y administrador de archivos
+ captura y registro de escritorio remoto
- el ladrón es básico, probablemente aún necesitarás un ladrón dedicado
- no es necesario FUD para cifrar

SeroXen (Quasar muy modificado):
+ Totalmente indetectable: no es necesario cifrar
+ Soporte de complementos y comunidad que desarrolla complementos para ellos
+ carga/ejecución de .dll
+ editor de registro y administrador de archivos
+ captura y registro de escritorio remoto
- hVNC está roto
- falla mucho
- el código auxiliar sólo puede ser .bat
- el desarrollador actualiza con frecuencia y elimina todo el RAT para que no puedas usarlo mientras se actualiza (en mi opinión, factor decisivo)

+ Con diferencia, el mejor HVNC en este momento si necesitas HVNC. Estable, altos FPS, todas las funciones funcionan.
+ $400 de por vida
+ cámara web
- no FUD - necesita cifrar (el desarrollador ofrece un servicio de cifrado para sus productos, no lo use, sus criptas son públicas y basura y no duran mucho, encuentre su propio cifrador o cripte usted mismo)
-No hay muchas otras funciones. Es mejor usarlo como HVNC dedicado si no puede encontrar ningún otro que funcione

+ Acceso a la cámara web
+ captura y registro de escritorio remoto
+ muy estable
+ gratis
- no FUD - necesita cifrar
- sin hVNC
- no puedo ver clientes sin conexión

Hay muchos otros por ahí, pero esos son con los que tengo experiencia.

Si cifrar su código auxiliar no es un problema, usaría Async ya que es gratuito y luego lo usaría como un "cargador" para pasar a algo mejor como Purehvnc si necesita HVNC.
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Thanks for sharing your experience
soggyTowel сказал(а):
Remcos is definitely top-tier quality if you can crypt it. Other options:

+ built in stealer and file grabber, and discord token grabber
+ webcam access
+ shell code generation
+ auto-schedule tasks
+ hVNC is pretty good
+ registry editor and file manager
+ remote desktop capture and record
- stealer is barebones, you'll probably need a dedicated stealer still
- not FUD need to crypt

SeroXen (heavily modified Quasar):
+ Fully undetectable - no need to crypt
+ Plugin support and community who develops plug ins for it
+ .dll loading/execution
+ registry editor and file manager
+ remote desktop capture and record
- hVNC is broken
- crashes a lot
- stub can only be .bat
- developer updates often and takes the whole RAT down so you can't use it while its updating (deal breaker in my opinion)

+ By far the best HVNC right now if you need HVNC. Stable, high FPSs, all functions work
+ $400 lifetime
+ webcam
- not FUD - need to crypt (the developer offers crypt service for his products, dont use it, his crypts are public and garbage and dont last long, find your own crypter or crypt yourself)
- Not much other functionality. Its best used as a dedicated HVNC if you can't find any other working one

+ Webcam access
+ remote desktop capture and record
+ very stable
+ free
- not FUD - need to crypt
- no hVNC
- can't see offline clients

Plenty of others out there, but those are ones I have experience with.

If crypting your stub isn't a problem, I'd use Async since it is free, and then use it as a "loader" to pivot to something better like Purehvnc if you need HVNC.
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after all of this you can do nothing if you can't find good crypter for your rat and it's to hard to find cheap and good crypter
DarckSol сказал(а):
Доброго времени суток.

Нуждаюсь в приличной RAT тулзе.

njRAT, ProRAT, DarckMoon давно уже не актуальны, так же как и поисониви, я очень давно не вникал в тему по данному вопросу.

Посоветуйте, а лучше поделитесь, что сейчас актуально, важные функции:
* Захват картинки с рабочего стола.
* Захват картинки с веб камеры.
* Файловый манагер есть у всех, так же как работа с реестром, процессами, службами, etc....

/**/ Плюсом будет грабля паролей, но это как бонус, он не обязателен и не так уж нужен.

Остальное сильного значения не имеет.

Желателен вариант простого запуска, клиент-серверное приложение, где сервер является обычным иcполняемым файлом (.exe) или ява, тож сойдёт.
RAT нужен для личных нужд, разворачивать на хостинге панельку возможности нет, и не целесообразно.
Всем за ранее Спасибо.
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Пока что знаю Neospy.net
0x47 сказал(а):
has anyone tried spectre botnet/rat? i was looking to purchase that sometime soon but i am doing my due diligence before i contact and attempt to buy. i have looked into warzone and venom(not very good reviews)

and where is link for quasar? i will look into that one too.


кто нибудь пробовал ботнет/крысу spectre? я хотел бы приобрести ее в ближайшее время, но пока не связывался и не пытался купить. я рассматривал warzone и venom (не очень хорошие отзывы).

А где ссылка на quasar? Я тоже посмотрю. И какой криптер лучше?
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i saw warzone.ws was seized today lol