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ANONRDP.COM | Everything Allowed! | 100% Bulletproof Servers | FastFlux | Domains


Light Weight
AnonRDP provides cutting-edge anonymous hosting solutions at affordable prices, prioritizing your online privacy.
Host your websites, applications, and data with complete anonymity.
We accept only cryptocurrencies for payments, ensuring a seamless, private experience.

Contact us:
Client Area: https://clientarea.anonrdp.com/contact.php
Session: 0547533e9c9f551973ecb0c8910abbc629e4e80e060bb6200e9d853228dd554f5d
uTox: ECE9B1708747BBE9BEA03029DF16A7B662097D0EEDDD3A5A8A54CC7837251F118FE84A66F408
Telegram: https://t.me/anonrdp_support_bot
Telegram Group: https://t.me/anonrdp_com
Email: support@anonrdp.com
Последнее редактирование: 29.01.2024
We have detected that there have been problems in the configuration of the Linux servers, due to an error in the configuration Windows was being installed automatically, we have fixed the problem and we have added an option for you to choose the operating system, we are sorry for the inconvenience!

In short, we have fixed a problem with the operating system of the servers and now you can select which operating system to use!

We continue to do things securely and anonymously.
Mulatto сказал(а):
It's a pleasure to have such a service! The prices are very cheap, what resources are shared for the VPS/RDP?

Where in Europe is the server located? Are the IPs clean and not blacklisted by Spamhaus? Can I open all ports? I'm going to make a purchase soon (Eranet domain name) and try out an RDP.

Очень приятно иметь такой сервис! Цены очень низкие, какие ресурсы являются общими для VPS/RDP?

Где в Европе находится сервер? IP чистые и не занесены в черный список Spamhaus?Можно ли открыть все порты? Собираюсь в ближайшее время сделать покупку (доменное имя Eranet) и опробовать RDP.

Thank you for your words!

The only shared resource is the CPU, the current location in Europe is France, the IPs are clean and not blacklisted in Spamhaus, and yes! You can open all ports.


Спасибо за ваши слова!

Единственным общим ресурсом является процессор, текущее местоположение в Европе - Франция, IP-адреса чистые и не находятся в черном списке Spamhaus, и да! Вы можете открыть все порты.
RalaXss сказал(а):
what is your refund policy in case of service down for any amount of time?

Hello! thank you for asking us.

If the server is down for a long period of time (days) and we don't fix it we will refund 100% of the amount and keep the server active until the end of the invoice (then you decide whether to renew or not).

At the moment we haven't had any server downtime.
AnonRDP сказал(а):
Hello! thank you for asking us.

If the server is down for a long period of time (days) and we don't fix it we will refund 100% of the amount and keep the server active until the end of the invoice (then you decide whether to renew or not).

At the moment we haven't had any server downtime.


Thanks for the quick response! Good to know you've got a solid refund policy for serious downtime, and it's cool that you'd keep the server running through the billing period too.
RalaXss сказал(а):

Thanks for the quick response! Good to know you've got a solid refund policy for serious downtime, and it's cool that you'd keep the server running through the billing period too.

We understand the frustration of having a contracted service and not being able to use it.

We are constantly looking to improve our service, making sure we offer the best possible experience to our customers!
Due to the incredible support we are receiving from our customers we have run out of stock! And in order not to saturate the actual servers we have expanded the servers in the datacenter.

Orders will be processed approximately on the 10th of November at 22:00 UTC +1.

Any orders placed after 13:00 UTC +1 on the 9th of November will be affected by the stock problem so the expiry date will be later, we will extend the subscription to those affected!

In short, if you have placed an order after 13:00 UTC +1 on the 9th of November your server will be activated around 22:00 UTC +1 on the 10th of November.
We have good news!

We have stock again, we are processing all orders placed, if your order has not been processed please open a ticket to resolve it manually.

Additionally we have added a tool to check if the IP of the server is blackhole, you can check it through the following link: https://anonrdp.com/blackhole

In short, the stock is back and we have added a tool to check if the server IP is blackhole.

Thank you very much and sorry for the inconvenience!
Get now a real bulletproof server or domain, phishing, fraud, botnet, dmca, scanning, cracking, hacking.... everything you can imagine is allowed!

Remember that port 25 is open!
Короче не поехал у меня этот хостинг. Приобрел Windows RDP, развернул стилер, закриптовал билд и на этом пошел отдыхать два дня, потому что мой ВПС упал и так и не поднялся. Поддержка отвечает раз в четыре часа, айпишник палёный. Короче хостинг ни о чем. В принципе, предполагал, что ничего путнего за такие деньги не получится, но все решил попробовать. Попросил манибек, вот сижу жду ответа
Screenshot at 2023-11-22 14-15-19 (1).png
Screenshot at 2023-11-22 17-58-18.png
black__mamba сказал(а):
Короче не поехал у меня этот хостинг. Приобрел Windows RDP, развернул стилер, закриптовал билд и на этом пошел отдыхать два дня, потому что мой ВПС упал и так и не поднялся. Поддержка отвечает раз в четыре часа, айпишник палёный. Короче хостинг ни о чем. В принципе, предполагал, что ничего путнего за такие деньги не получится, но все решил попробовать. Попросил манибек, вот сижу жду ответа


On the 20th the server was online because our technicians verified it.

If the support team is slow to respond it is because 1) there are different schedules and 2) the tech team is busy preparing the servers for the US DC.

About the IP of your server we offer free of charge the replacement of it.

Basically, the server was operational and online, after your configuration the server stopped responding (and the techs confirmed to me that it was not the server side of the error), they are still nice enough to look into what caused it and fix it (again, a problem that was not on our side, not just any provider does that). You opened the ticket 1 day ago, the team has told you that they have passed a note to the tech team and instead of waiting and being patient you prefer to tarnish our image.

We are definitely not interested in people like that in our service, we try to be friendly, fix problems that have nothing to do with us and we only ask for patience from you, you didn't even wait 1 day to attack us.

So please leave your cryptocurrency address in the ticket you have open.

Have a nice day!



20-го числа сервер был в сети, так как наши технические специалисты проверили его работоспособность.

Если служба поддержки отвечает медленно, то это связано с тем, что 1) у них разные графики работы и 2) техническая команда занята подготовкой серверов к работе в US DC.

Что касается IP вашего сервера, то мы предлагаем его бесплатную замену.

В принципе, сервер работал и был в сети, после вашей настройки сервер перестал отвечать (и технари подтвердили мне, что ошибка была не на стороне сервера), они все равно достаточно любезны, чтобы выяснить причину и устранить ее (опять же, проблема была не на нашей стороне, не только любой провайдер так делает). Вы открыли тикет 1 день назад, команда сообщила Вам, что передала записку в техподдержку, а Вы вместо того, чтобы подождать и проявить терпение, предпочитаете очернить наш имидж.

Мы точно не заинтересованы в том, чтобы в нашем сервисе работали такие люди, мы стараемся быть дружелюбными, устранять проблемы, которые не имеют к нам никакого отношения, и мы просим у вас только терпения, а вы не дождались даже 1 дня, чтобы напасть на нас.

Поэтому, пожалуйста, оставьте свой криптовалютный адрес в тикете, который у вас открыт.

Всего хорошего!
Сервак перестал работать 21-го, 22-го открыл тикет, 23-го сервак все еще лежит. Я считаю, это не ок. Доказывают всю дорогу, что это я изменил настройки сервера и бла бла бла. Не хочу раздувать драму, но это бред. Рефаунд сделали, на этом спасибо.
very bad support
asked for a ip changed 3 days ago still no answer
my softs stopped working properly after a few days and now the support is not online to answer
SDA сказал(а):
very bad support
asked for a ip changed 3 days ago still no answer
my softs stopped working properly after a few days and now the support is not online to answer

We know that we are taking a few days to solve some problems of some customers, please keep in mind that we are a small team, please be patient, all this week has been difficult for us because we have been dedicated to prepare the servers for the new DC, soon our support will be better because we are preparing a staff update, we are making internal changes to solve the problems as soon as possible and not take hours or days.

Please keep in mind that also on weekends support is slower and takes longer, the problems we have had with stock shortages and ipv4 problems this weekend will be over soon.

In summary, if all goes well and we keep working hard, next week we will most likely have a new localisation, we will have IPv4 bulletproof range and we will expand the team.

We have only been open for a short time and we are receiving immense support from our users, we apologise for the users who are having problems as we are fixing them, we will be 100% operational very soon!


Hello, open a ticket and the team will help you, the live chat support is off at weekends.
Dear valued AnonRDP clients,

We are thrilled to announce some exciting updates and new features that we have recently added to our services!

1. Warrant Canary:
We take your privacy and security seriously, and to enhance transparency, we have introduced a Warrant Canary. You can review it here to stay updated on our commitment to protecting your data.

2. 24/7 Telegram Support:
While our ticket system remains the recommended method for support due to its security advantages, we understand the importance of real-time assistance. That's why we have launched a Telegram support channel that will be available around the clock to assist you with any queries or concerns.

Telegram: https://t.me/anonrdp_support_bot

3. New Data Center Locations:
We're expanding our reach to better serve you! Our servers in the Poland data center are ready and awaiting the allocation of IPs, which we expect to be completed by next week. Additionally, we are in the final stages of configuring servers in our Russia data center. These new locations will feature bulletproof IPs and a wider selection of operating systems, including Kali Linux and more. Keep an eye out for the upcoming plans, including a cost-effective option to suit your needs.

In short, we've added a Warrant Canary for transparency, 24/7 Telegram support (while still recommending tickets for security), and new data center locations in Poland and Russia with bulletproof IPs, more OS options, and budget-friendly plans coming soon.

We're committed to providing you with the best services and options, and these updates are just the beginning. Thank you for choosing AnonRDP as your trusted hosting provider.

If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team via our ticket system or the new Telegram support channel.

Thank you for being a part of the AnonRDP community.
It's a pleasure to have such a service! The prices are very cheap, what resources are shared for the VPS/RDP?

Where in Europe is the server located? Are the IPs clean and not blacklisted by Spamhaus? Can I open all ports? I'm going to make a purchase soon (Eranet domain name) and try out an RDP.

Очень приятно иметь такой сервис! Цены очень низкие, какие ресурсы являются общими для VPS/RDP?

Где в Европе находится сервер? IP чистые и не занесены в черный список Spamhaus?Можно ли открыть все порты? Собираюсь в ближайшее время сделать покупку (доменное имя Eranet) и опробовать RDP.