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Взлом twitter-миллионика


Light Weight
Последнее время частно натыкаюсь на взломы больших аккаунтов в твиттере, иногда цифры даже доходили до 72млн подписчиков.
Каким образом твиттере допускает это?
Взлом/ошибка при этом идёт только на стороне владельца аккаунта или инфраструктура твиттера настолько не защищёна?

So, the verified account of El Universal that has ~5,2 million followers, got pwned at least around 30 hours ago, and it is still being used to spread some shit scam...
Fuck Twitter.
😫 https://t.co/RrWMXgf79X pic.twitter.com/oKye2TPyIp
— MalwareHunterTeam (@malwrhunterteam) June 6, 2022
In my opinion, possibly was not used a hole in Twitter/X and was the account was pwnd by an owner/community manager mistake.

Also, if the account is big, possibly exist a team of community managers and, when more people administrate an account, more possibilities to try a social engineering to catch passwords, add keylogger, check passwords leaked, or other ways to catch the access