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Shanghai Anxun information hacker organization was exposed

Кто-то слил на GitHub кучу внутренних правительственных документов Китая. Тут можно найти описание различного программного обеспечения и устройств, начиная от троянов под Win, Mac, iOS и Android с возможность удаленного доступа, записью звука в режиме реального времени и полноценным управлением тачки, заканчивая описанием шпионских устройств, к примеру повербанк от Xiaomi с возможностью перехвата трафика в сетях Wi-Fi.
Custom RAT built for Windows x64/x86 with features such as process/service/registry management, remote shell, keylogging, file access logging, obtaining system info, disconnect, uninstallation.
Android version also exists, supporting Android 6.0 and above. Features include obtaining system information, GPS, contacts, SMS, call logs, browser history, app list, real-time audio recording, process list, camera, WiFi list, screenshot, keylogging, and system info. Few interesting tidbits for the Android one
- Ability to dump messages from QQ, WeChat, and MoMo - all popular Chinese IM apps (requires root)
- Ability to keylog specifically QQ, WeChat, Momo *AND* Telegram.
- Ability to elevate as system app for persistence (requires root)
Linux version also exists that specifically supports CentOS 5/6/7 & Ubuntu 12/14. Oddly old versions of these distros. Features include remote shell, file management, Socks5 proxy via SocksCap64, port reuse. Controller appears to be named "TracedStone"
technically not Chinese government data, but a spyware vendor contractor's internal data.
Dread Pirate Roberts сказал(а):
включая Россию
очень интересный слив.

под Linux там малварь тоже есть, но в новостях почему-то не написали.

вот этот вайтхэт расковырял слив и нашёл много интересного:
someone just leaked a bunch of internal Chinese government documents on GitHubhttps://t.co/BO8N64A7kF
— 安坂星海 Azaka 🐼 VTuber (@AzakaSekai_) February 18, 2024

чуть более удобная читалка его твиттера: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1759326049262019025.html

ещё он выкладывает инфу здесь: https://infosec.exchange/@still/with_replies

насколько я понял, там малварь в первую очередь направлена на жителей Китая, и уже потом на остальные страны (включая Россию и НАТО).
судя по всему, данные слили сотрудники этого "spyware vendor"-а, недовольные низкими зарплатами (около $200 у рядовых сотрудников, около $1000 у вышестоящих)

судя по всему, у китайцев есть доступ очень высокого уровня к инфраструктуре Beeline и Tele2

Последнее редактирование: 20.02.2024
Нашли ли вы какие-нибудь полезные адреса для загрузки программного обеспечения на слитых изображениях?
xsTao сказал(а):
Нашли ли вы какие-нибудь полезные адреса для загрузки программного обеспечения на слитых изображениях?

не искал, но сохранил копию уже заблокированного репозитория https://github.com/I-S00N/I-S00N и могу куда-нибудь залить, если нужно.
自 2006 年以来,当局与上海安顺公司在多个场合举行了多次非公开会议,讨论具有战略 意义的重要问题,对行业发展产生了重大影响,当局与上海安顺公司密切合作,努力实现 共同目标。这些会议的记录,包括研究报告、数字和图表,一直严格保密,并在最严格的保密.....。在 2023 年之前,我们将对这些文件进行保密,以下是我们所掌握的一些文件摘要:
上海安顺开发了人工智能算法,每天分析数百万条电话和互联网信息,以识别潜在的持不同政见者和 "人民公敌"。
IS00N сказал(а):
自 2006 年以来,当局与上海安顺公司在多个场合举行了多次非公开会议,讨论具有战略 意义的重要问题,对行业发展产生了重大影响,当局与上海安顺公司密切合作,努力实现 共同目标。这些会议的记录,包括研究报告、数字和图表,一直严格保密,并在最严格的保密.....。在 2023 年之前,我们将对这些文件进行保密,以下是我们所掌握的一些文件摘要:
上海安顺开发了人工智能算法,每天分析数百万条电话和互联网信息,以识别潜在的持不同政见者和 "人民公敌"。
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Since 2006, the authorities and Shanghai Anshun Company have held numerous private meetings on multiple occasions to discuss important issues of strategic significance, which have had a significant impact on industry development. The authorities have worked closely with Shanghai Anshun Company to achieve common goals . The minutes of these meetings, including research reports, figures and graphs, have been kept strictly confidential and are kept under the strictest confidentiality…. We will keep these documents confidential until 2023, but here is a summary of some of the documents we have:
Shanghai Anshun is actively cooperating with China's national security authorities to develop and deploy a large-scale surveillance and social credit scoring system to monitor and score citizens' every move and punish those who do not follow the rules.
The company has built the technological infrastructure to conduct large-scale digital surveillance and repression operations, allowing governments to easily identify and arrest disaffected citizens.
Shanghai Anshun has developed artificial intelligence algorithms that analyze millions of phone calls and Internet messages every day to identify potential dissidents and "enemies of the people."
The company provides advanced technology and equipment to the government to build a surveillance network covering every corner of the country, capturing and analyzing citizens' every move in real time.
Shanghai Anshun is involved in developing a biometric system that enables governments to track citizens’ location and behavior using unique biometric data.
The company develops software for filtering and censoring internet content at scale, allowing governments to control the information available to citizens and suppress unwanted news or opinions.
Shanghai Anshun Company has developed intelligent algorithms that can monitor citizens’ behavior in public places and automatically identify suspicious activities, allowing law enforcement to respond immediately.
The company provides governments with advanced facial recognition technology that allows citizens to be identified by their physical characteristics even if they try to hide their identities.
Shanghai Anshun is involved in the development of an automatic speech recognition system that can monitor and analyze phone conversations to identify potential security threats and dissidents.
The company has created an entire industry of surveillance and control of citizens, where every move, word and deed of a person is recorded, and their social status and freedom depend on their obedience to the control system.
Shanghai Anshun provides its technological developments and equipment to China's national security authorities for monitoring the movement of people and vehicles.
Shanghai Anshun received government support and favors in exchange for providing confidential information about foreign competitors and technological developments.
Shanghai Anshun employees use their professional skills and access to international markets to participate in overseas covert intelligence gathering operations.
Shanghai Anshun is involved in the development and deployment of large-scale surveillance and control systems in some strategically important areas, such as Xinjiang Province, where there are activities to control ethnic minorities.
Shanghai Anshun is involved in developing technology for digital investigation and monitoring of citizens’ internet activities, which helps maintain digital control and censorship.
Shanghai Anshun provides technology and expertise to the government to build facial recognition and biometric systems to track and control opposition figures.
Shanghai Anshun is involved in developing and manufacturing cyber espionage and hacking equipment targeting foreign companies and governments.
Shanghai Anshun develops artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms for analyzing big data, allowing the government to more effectively control and manipulate public opinion.
Employees at Shanghai Anshun are involved in developing and executing technical attacks against Chinese adversaries, including cyber espionage, subversion of hostile regimes and disruption of critical infrastructure.
Shanghai Anshun assists the government in establishing and maintaining large-scale individual and group communication systems to quickly and effectively monitor citizens' actions in the event of large-scale protests or riots.
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