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📦 Update # 1.1.9 # 📦

[+] Добавлена новая тема бухгалтерских книг (WPF)
[+] Добавлена новая тема для бухгалтерской книги (WebView2)
[+] Исправлено несколько ошибок в exodus (GUI)
[+] Исправлены некоторые другие мелкие ошибки


[+] Added new ledger theme (WPF)
[+] Added new ledger theme (WebView2)
[+] Fixed some bugs in exodus (GUI)
[+] Fixed some other minor bugs
[+] Added telegram notification
⚙️ Change Logs # 1.1.9 # ⚙️

[+] Source Code Not For Sale
[+] One Week Licence - 0 Stock

[+] Dropper Watcher - Window Defender Runtime Bypass Uncrypted (No Crypter)
seller is good! fast responde , always online , good tool, testing!
по тесту отпишу что и как!
I bought scarlet project a week ago and now I am writing this review. First of all, I must say that the programmer really gives you the best possible support, he was by my side and helped me in all the steps. These steps include coding and FUD as well as adding more than 2 features for me as well as editing a form and designing 2 forms which is really a lot of effort. He designed 2 ledger forms for me from scratch, also added changes on exodus as I want, as well as Telegram notification and a few other things. The tool works properly and I suggest you buy it and test it. 10/10 score
📦 Update # 1.2.0 # 📦

[+] В C/C++ добавлен новый встроенный дроппер. Быстрее и стабильнее.
[+] Уведомления при открытии формы жертве
[+] Новый API для дроппера


[+] A new built-in dropper has been added to C/C++ Native. Faster and more stable.
[+] Notifications when opening a form to a victim
[+] New API for dropper

AVCHECK: (https://avcheck.net/id/UQpogflxfL6f)
RUNTIME: (https://scanner.to/result/F8H3p11CbK)
⚙️ ChangeLogs 1.2.0 [C/C++ Dropper + Watcher] ⚙️

[+] Automatic download fixed
[+] Wrong directory fixed
[+] Fixed CMD Hidden
[+] Requests have been fixed
[+] Now you don't need to run as administrator


[+] Исправлена автоматическая загрузка
[+] Исправлен неверный каталог
[+] Исправлено скрытие CMD
[+] Исправлены запросы
[+] Теперь не нужно запускать от имени администратора


AVCHECK: (https://avcheck.net/id/UQpogflxfL6f)
RUNTIME: (https://scanner.to/result/F8H3p11CbK)
⚙️ Change Logs # 1.2.0 # ⚙️

[+] Исправлена ошибка HTTPS POST Bug


[+] Fixed HTTPs POST Error Bug
⚙️ Change Logs # 1.2.0 # ⚙️

[+] Исправлен автозапуск


[+] Fixed Auto Startup
📦 Update # 1.2.1 # 📦

[+] Добавлена новая система уведомлений в веб-панели
[+] API исправления ошибок


[+] Added New Notification System in WebPanel
[+] Fixed Bugs API