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Recommendations on fakeshop


Midle Weight
EN: I've been considering starting a fakeshop but I'm not 100% sure if I know where to start. Here's my current plan. I will use bulletproof hosting and a bulletproof domain registrar along with a possible WAF/CDN/DDOS protection service or fast flux to hide my sites IP. Then I would install an ecommerce platform like Woocomerce, Magento, PrestaShop or OpenCart onto my hosting and I would design a custom store that meets international regulations. I would then get it approved into Google Merchant. Once approved into Google Merchant I would setup my payment methods. They would be Credit Card, Crypto, Direct Wire, Western Union and IBAN if I target Europe, Zelle/CashApp/Venmo if I target North America and PayID for Australia. I would advertise my site using Google, Bing, Yandex and Facebook ads to get traffic to my site. All money would be wired to a drop which I would use to convert all the money the site makes to crypto. Would this work, is their anything that I should know, is there anything I should do differently? If you have any recommendation/ideas which could help me a reply would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all the help.

RU: Я думал об открытии магазина подделок, но я не уверен на 100%, знаю ли я, с чего начать. Вот мой текущий план. Я буду использовать абузоустойчивый хостинг и абузоустойчивый регистратор доменов вместе с возможной службой защиты WAF/CDN/DDOS или fast flux, чтобы скрыть IP-адрес моих сайтов. Затем я устанавливал платформу электронной коммерции, такую как Woocomerce, Magento, PrestaShop или OpenCart, на свой хостинг и разрабатывал индивидуальный магазин, соответствующий международным нормам. Затем я бы утвердил его в Google Merchant. После утверждения в Google Merchant я настраивал свои способы оплаты. Это будут Credit Card, Crypto, Direct Wire, Western Union и IBAN, если я ориентируюсь на Европу, Zelle/CashApp/Venmo, если я ориентируюсь на Северную Америку и PayID для Австралии. Я бы рекламировал свой сайт с помощью объявлений Google, Bing, Yandex и Facebook, чтобы привлечь трафик на свой сайт. Все деньги будут переведены в дроп, который я буду использовать для конвертации всех денег, которые зарабатывает сайт, в криптовалюту. Будет ли это работать, есть ли что-то, что я должен знать, есть ли что-то, что я должен сделать по-другому? Если у вас есть какие-либо рекомендации/идеи, которые могли бы мне помочь, буду очень признателен за ответ. Спасибо за помощь.

PS: Payment Gateway/Drop Bank recommendations would be nice too!
PS: Рекомендации по платежному шлюзу/дроп-банку тоже не помешали бы!
Sentinel сказал(а):
EN: I've been considering starting a fakeshop but I'm not 100% sure if I know where to start. Here's my current plan. I will use bulletproof hosting and a bulletproof domain registrar along with a possible WAF/CDN/DDOS protection service or fast flux to hide my sites IP. Then I would install an ecommerce platform like Woocomerce, Magento, PrestaShop or OpenCart onto my hosting and I would design a custom store that meets international regulations. I would then get it approved into Google Merchant. Once approved into Google Merchant I would setup my payment methods. They would be Credit Card, Crypto, Direct Wire, Western Union and IBAN if I target Europe, Zelle/CashApp/Venmo if I target North America and PayID for Australia. I would advertise my site using Google, Bing, Yandex and Facebook ads to get traffic to my site. All money would be wired to a drop which I would use to convert all the money the site makes to crypto. Would this work, is their anything that I should know, is there anything I should do differently? If you have any recommendation/ideas which could help me a reply would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all the help.

RU: Я думал об открытии магазина подделок, но я не уверен на 100%, знаю ли я, с чего начать. Вот мой текущий план. Я буду использовать абузоустойчивый хостинг и абузоустойчивый регистратор доменов вместе с возможной службой защиты WAF/CDN/DDOS или fast flux, чтобы скрыть IP-адрес моих сайтов. Затем я устанавливал платформу электронной коммерции, такую как Woocomerce, Magento, PrestaShop или OpenCart, на свой хостинг и разрабатывал индивидуальный магазин, соответствующий международным нормам. Затем я бы утвердил его в Google Merchant. После утверждения в Google Merchant я настраивал свои способы оплаты. Это будут Credit Card, Crypto, Direct Wire, Western Union и IBAN, если я ориентируюсь на Европу, Zelle/CashApp/Venmo, если я ориентируюсь на Северную Америку и PayID для Австралии. Я бы рекламировал свой сайт с помощью объявлений Google, Bing, Yandex и Facebook, чтобы привлечь трафик на свой сайт. Все деньги будут переведены в дроп, который я буду использовать для конвертации всех денег, которые зарабатывает сайт, в криптовалюту. Будет ли это работать, есть ли что-то, что я должен знать, есть ли что-то, что я должен сделать по-другому? Если у вас есть какие-либо рекомендации/идеи, которые могли бы мне помочь, буду очень признателен за ответ. Спасибо за помощь.

PS: Payment Gateway/Drop Bank recommendations would be nice too!
PS: Рекомендации по платежному шлюзу/дроп-банку тоже не помешали бы!
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Yes getting shoppers to send to a drop does work. Install live chat so that you can speak and guide your customers. I was doing something very similar but Nuri and greece
d133l3 сказал(а):
Yes getting shoppers to send to a drop does work. Install live chat so that you can speak and guide your customers. I was doing something very similar but Nuri and greece

What's your opinion on using a SEPA transfer? I know payment gateways allow you to use that as a payment method.
Sentinel сказал(а):
What's your opinion on using a SEPA transfer? I know payment gateways allow you to use that as a payment method.
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if its instant sepa then money will land instantly. Just get a drop that takes instant sepa (NL, FR, ES etc.)

your best option would be to make a fake payment processor that requires them to make a instant sepa transfer with a ref number
d133l3 сказал(а):
if its instant sepa then money will land instantly. Just get a drop that takes instant sepa (NL, FR, ES etc.)

your best option would be to make a fake payment processor that requires them to make a instant sepa transfer with a ref number

Many legitimate payment processors already have SEPA as a payment method, what would be the reason to make a fake one?
I don't know much about fake payment processors, transfers and such but if I visit a store and I cannot use a card or forced me to make a bank transfer I would run the fuck out quick
Sentinel сказал(а):
Many legitimate payment processors already have SEPA as a payment method, what would be the reason to make a fake one?
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Legit payment processors are harder to make. Require a lot of aging. Stripe is dead, there are other options but many require a good amount of aging before running grey/black + you gotta make many payments with clean funds to being withdrawing etc.

Your about 10 years to late if your thinking Stripe and other payment processors are worth using.
frankish сказал(а):
I don't know much about fake payment processors, transfers and such but if I visit a store and I cannot use a card or forced me to make a bank transfer I would run the fuck out quick

That's why I'm looking into card payment processors with short settlement times along with methods to make the banks side with me if and when a dispute is made.
d133l3 сказал(а):
Legit payment processors are harder to make. Require a lot of aging. Stripe is dead, there are other options but many require a good amount of aging before running grey/black + you gotta make many payments with clean funds to being withdrawing etc.

Your about 10 years to late if your thinking Stripe and other payment processors are worth using.

Yeah, I might have to buy an aged payment processor then.
Sentinel сказал(а):
Yeah, I might have to buy an aged payment processor then.
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Probably your best option. But avoid Stripe, there are many other ones around
Few credit card chargebacks and your merchant will be out. Also keep in mind that customers not very likely will make sepa transfers to individual accounts.

Also you need to act fast, after few complaints your ads will be suspended, so you will not get traffic anymore.

If you want to make some good $, you need very high traffic + very interesting products to sell + old merchant account.
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Recommendation:....Do it ...and you will see it is not as easy as you describe....

Stay safe