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PSD шаблоны

Azuretzx сказал(а):
Hello there,

i think this template can help novices and rookies with edits,Its high quality also you was see after "https://mega.nz/file/rckDxIqR#Eo8pdWN0kYIBOA-XSV-N68uR7_mNaaPrrAn2pF28Rwg"
(First person which write comment can choice template from United States 47 ,after we share here public Front+Back)
So its means when you re first now write one state from United States

Be safe everyone

Also when you think how cool is report link like kiddo,You probably take chance from some novice to get free template ( We re with my friend someone report it again and again )
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Do everyone received working passport Template ? @neobec , @forrset , @Shad0w80
Write us message you get working template because we have a lot messengers
Hello there,

Social security card is important for take loans or open bank drops and etc,Sometimes i was used it like second document verification ( This everything depends on your specific method )
so whats is means ? be prepared on everything and get Social security card template for free

Don t forget on your counterfeit make realistic shadows


File on MEGA



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    scanned - comparison pic 1.jpg
    634.8 КБ · Просмотры: 33
  • scanned - comparison pic 2.jpg
    scanned - comparison pic 2.jpg
    61.4 КБ · Просмотры: 33
че банда hashcat или john использовать чтобы пароль получить к архиву? :D
amstrot сказал(а):
Полный набор для отрисовщика, софт, шаблоны, образцы паспортов, водительских прав, ssn, card, удостоверения студентов, гос номера usa, шрифты и прочее...
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P.S. Облако не моё пере заливать не буду!
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