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Пожалуйста, помогите мне с моей настройкой


Light Weight
Здравствуйте, я начинаю заниматься carding, но я слышу много разных рекомендаций по настройке. Я планировал использовать анонимный RDP для обеспечения безопасности, а затем использовать прокси-сервер socks5 для этого RDP. Достаточно ли этого для carding? Был бы взломанный жилой RDP лучше? Являются ли antidetect-browsers необходимостью?

Deysee сказал(а):
Конечно антидетект нужен
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован

Ещё бы тему апнул 2000 годов)
you do not need antidetect. the last version of it is many years old and i personally don't find it useful.

your setup is basic and could be expanded, but is sufficient assuming your socks5 is non logging. the goal is to appear like the card holder while having an extremely hard-to-prove gap that separates you and the time you are carding. for example, if your RDP is also connected to your email while connected to the socks5, then if you were ever suspected of carding the item, it could connect you to it. if your RDP was purchase is connected to you and logged details of your purchase, it could connect you. that's up to you to decide, but RDP => socks5 is sufficient assuming you keep good procedure to never being personally looked at or suspected for the purchases you make.

here is my personal setup:

boot qubes off usb => tor => decrypt partition containing vm file => run customized VM with stripped down windows OS with everything i need pre-installed and configured => connect to residential non-logging socks5 within 5 miles of card holder => make the purchase

at the end of the month i tend to wipe the VM and recreate it. once connected to the sock, i tend to create an email using the first + last name of the cardholder using an anonymous domain i own and use strictly for this. then i connect to a voip number (purchased anonymously) incase i need to verify with a call. i know this could seem excessive to some people, but i value the opsec in each order regardless of the low chance of it ever even being investigated. the process could be accomplished successfully with both higher or lower scrutiny, just as i have seen skids ordering directly off their personal phone's LTE or wifi successfully.

in my opinion, carding these days really boils down to whether your ip is within a certain amount of miles from the billing/shipping address. if you're having a package shipped, it should also be within 15 miles of the typical billing/shipping address. after that it falls onto the card holder's security measures and if the purchase amount matches their typical payment. if you're pushing a 1.5k order on a card that never exceeds 200, you should expect issues, but usually i look for cards in wealthy areas and have my *lucky* bin that seems to work well for me. please note that these details can change depending on the card as well. for example, i have had business expense cards from different states as the drop address make multiple successful orders. this would be an example of the card purchase profile probably also previously having numerous out of state purchases.

online products are scrutinized a lot harder and therefore extra steps can be taken to build trust on the site you're ordering off, depending on what site it is, its settings for accepting payments, it's dedicated payment processor and what shop CMS it uses. i have my personal favorites from personal experience, you just have to try different things. there are tricks to it that you can develop, which i find are usually discovered by making mistakes that end up leading you down a unique way of making the order and communicating with customer support. when an order is particularly high cost, i tend to call in the order over the phone instead of making it online.

i hope this answers your question and more so.
Tolotolo24 сказал(а):
Which software is nice

I used a CheBrowser. It is updated and have many configs.
Also know Indigo and Identory

Also I used an browser extension. But it not good for some sites with recaptcha