DarckSol сказал(а):
Good day.
I need a decent RAT tool.
njRAT, ProRAT, DarckMoon have not been relevant for a long time, just like poisonivi, I have not delved into the topic on this issue for a very long time.
Advise, or rather share, what is relevant now, important functions:
* Capture pictures from your desktop.
* Capture a picture from a webcam.
* Everyone has a file manager, as well as working with the registry, processes, services, etc....
/**/ A password rake will be a plus, but it's like a bonus, it's not required and not really needed.
The rest doesn't really matter.
A simple launch option is desirable, a client-server application, where the server is a regular executable file (.exe) or Java, will also do.
RAT is needed for personal needs, it is not possible to deploy a panel on a hosting, and it is not advisable.
Thank you all in advance.
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