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Midle Weight
В общем я полный нуб в этом, сильно не ругайтесь.
Я сижу через ipvanish-whonix , в качестве рабочей машины- linux mint, но мне нужен чистый ip на firefox. Как на него поставить прокси? Нашел proxychains , но настроить его не смог. И вообще все ли нормально в моей связке, что поменять?
SVG45qbVolk сказал(а):
Проксифаер поставить не пробовал?

Мучаюсь без него на линукс... он есть и под винду и под макось и даже под андроид, а вот под линукс его нет...
Don't know if I understood correctly, but here's my little guide to proxychains for you:
Скопировать в буфер обмена
sudo apt-get install proxychains
nano /etc/proxychains.conf
uncomment strict_chain and proxy_dns
at the end of the file add:
<ProxyType> [TAB] <ProxyIP> [TAB] <ProxyPort>
If you use TOR, the proxychains.conf should contain socks4 9050 at the end, just add your proxy after that and it will route tor -> proxy -> internet
Use Tab when pasting proxy, as I remember, It doens work with just whitespaces
Usage: proxychains iceweasel
J3S00S сказал(а):
Don't know if I understood correctly, but here's my little guide to proxychains for you:
Скопировать в буфер обмена
sudo apt-get install proxychains
nano /etc/proxychains.conf
uncomment strict_chain and proxy_dns
at the end of the file add:
<ProxyType> [TAB] <ProxyIP> [TAB] <ProxyPort>
If you use TOR, the proxychains.conf should contain at the end, just add your proxy after that and it will route tor -> proxy -> internet
Use Tab when pasting proxy, as I remember, It doens work with just whitespaces
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if all my traffic is already directed to Tor, will it work?
asddddd сказал(а):
if all my traffic is already directed to Tor, will it work?

Yes it should work, just make sure you have the tor localproxy in the config, as mentioned in my previous reply
asddddd сказал(а):
with any proxy I have a timeout

PM me the settings of proxychains.conf and the full chain in the Terminal when you run it pls, didn't quite get the problem
maybe you did not start the tor service --> through the port you mention
check what is happening through the port
such questions can be answer in simple google search
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован
start tor browser/client
in browser open about:config
search for network.proxy.socks5
check ip and port usually
open your firefox
in network proxy setting
set those ip:port and you should have your browser routing traffic through tor)

you can do same steps with every application which accepts socks5.