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Open Source Intelligence Techniques - Michael Bazzell 8th Edition


Light Weight
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Collection and Analysis

It is time to look at OSINT in a different way. For many years, and within the previous editions of this book, we have relied on external resources to supply our search tools, virtual environments, and investigation techniques. We have seen this protocol fail us when services shut down, websites disappear, and custom resources are dismantled due to outside pressures. This book aims to correct our dilemma. We will take control of our investigative resources and become self-reliant. There will be no more need for online search tools; we will make and host our own locally. We will no longer seek pre-built virtual machines; we will create and configure our own. The new OSINT professional must be self-sustaining and possess their own tools and resources. You will become a more proficient subject matter expert who will be armed with the knowledge and readiness to articulate the sources of your findings.

This new eighth edition contains hundreds of pages which have been updated to keep your OSINT investigative methods fresh. It includes new online and offline search tools; a new Linux OSINT virtual machine; and tutorials to replicate all Linux OSINT tools within Mac and Windows operating systems. Brand-new search methods for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and others ensure you have the latest techniques within your online investigation arsenal. An entire section is devoted to Methodology, Workflow, Documentation, and Ethics which provides a clear game plan for your next active investigation. All digital files are included via download. Today, we start over.



SECTION I: OSINT Preparation

CHAPTER 01: Computer Optimization
CHAPTER 02: Linux Virtual Machine
CHAPTER 03: Web Browsers
CHAPTER 04: Linux Applications
CHAPTER 05: VM Maintenance & Preservation
CHAPTER 06: Mac & Windows Hosts
CHAPTER 07: Android Emulation
CHAPTER 08: Custom Search Tools

SECTION II: OSINT Resources and Techniques

CHAPTER 09: Search Engines
CHAPTER 10: Social Networks: Facebook
CHAPTER 11: Social Networks: Twitter
CHAPTER 12: Social Networks: Instagram
CHAPTER 13: Social Networks: General
CHAPTER 14: Online Communities
CHAPTER 15: Email Addresses
CHAPTER 16: Usernames
CHAPTER 17: People Search Engines
CHAPTER 18: Telephone Numbers
CHAPTER 19: Online Maps
CHAPTER 20: Documents
CHAPTER 21: Images
CHAPTER 22: Videos
CHAPTER 23: Domain Names
CHAPTER 24: IP Addresses
CHAPTER 25: Government & Business Records
CHAPTER 26: Virtual Currencies
CHAPTER 27: Advanced Linux Tools
CHAPTER 28: Data Breaches & Leaks


CHAPTER 29: Methodology & Workflow
CHAPTER 30: Documentation
CHAPTER 31: Policy & Ethics


God i was waiting for someone to post a pdf with this book but i thought no one will wanna photo 600 pages and post it. Good thing there are people like you man!
Was waiting for this moment for a long time.
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