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Office spamming and BEC job

silos сказал(а):
BEC is the dumest job out there how do you try to hack people's coporate email and infilterate their banking system to send money to a bank you control and using money from that bank to send to yours. That in it self screams "Arrest me FBI". BEC gives too much papertrail except the law enforcement involved dosen't care about your case or is inherently lazy.

Plus, spamming is dead in 2023, this isn't 2020 or 2018. Spam filter for email companies are damn too good for what you intend to do.

But Goodluck anyways.
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dude 🤦🏾‍♂️ I think you got the wrong Forum, this place is not for you, you're not a noob but just an ignoramus, avoid saturated with subjects that you don't master at the moment coming
doperobot сказал(а):
Lol this guy👆

People like him do all the work for you by opening their mouth. Poster is obviously a teen with very little to no real life experience. Repeating what he has heard others say. Shits annoying cause it wastes my, and everyone else's time.
Go troll a retirement center or something brohaha.
"Spamming dead"
lmao u made me spit Kool aid all over my monitor.
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I didn’t event wanted to go back and forth I just laughed
Interesting thread. I've been trying to get into coporate emails. I have had some luck but I suck at getting into inboxes... The SMTP issues and all. I will be willing to learn more
For everyone who says spamming or BEC is dead, it is not truee 100%.
The systems are evolving. You cant just take some smtp and inbox 99% of 100k per day into exchange etc. But at the same time we have so many supplementing tools. All the company contact detail databases, bounce checkers, sophisticated mitm toolkits and even chatgpt or similar content generators.

So please go on and google for some spearfishing incident reports and study them in detail. After 4-5 recent reports you can see the tools, methods and "angles".
Once you reach that point, go and replicate one. 99.99% of people will try the public method from 2015 and stop there. However if you replicate one of the recent attack methodologies you will practice the latest tools and identify where the system is not working, then you improve it. And voila you have a private method.

Once you get there you can start getting leads. And suddenyl you realize you have no knowledge of cashing the leads or data. Then you start working with obnals/partners/workers etc and after while you realize that they are giving you small %. Then you try to go into world of drop company registrations, bank account setups and loose 10-100k in the process.

Eventually you will realize that you cant do it alone and start your own team or join a team and start working. Everything becomes routine, and then one evening when you sent your campaign, checked your wallet for payments from last cashout and doing whatever you normally do to relax you realize that you reached the point where things do not excite you anymore and you are just working like a typical office worker ))) And you go to forums in search of what is the latest.

Anyway, as everyone here tells you learn new things, test them and improve them and you will be on your way to success.
astralded сказал(а):
For everyone who says spamming or BEC is dead, it is not truee 100%.
The systems are evolving. You cant just take some smtp and inbox 99% of 100k per day into exchange etc. But at the same time we have so many supplementing tools. All the company contact detail databases, bounce checkers, sophisticated mitm toolkits and even chatgpt or similar content generators.

So please go on and google for some spearfishing incident reports and study them in detail. After 4-5 recent reports you can see the tools, methods and "angles".
Once you reach that point, go and replicate one. 99.99% of people will try the public method from 2015 and stop there. However if you replicate one of the recent attack methodologies you will practice the latest tools and identify where the system is not working, then you improve it. And voila you have a private method.

Once you get there you can start getting leads. And suddenyl you realize you have no knowledge of cashing the leads or data. Then you start working with obnals/partners/workers etc and after while you realize that they are giving you small %. Then you try to go into world of drop company registrations, bank account setups and loose 10-100k in the process.

Eventually you will realize that you cant do it alone and start your own team or join a team and start working. Everything becomes routine, and then one evening when you sent your campaign, checked your wallet for payments from last cashout and doing whatever you normally do to relax you realize that you reached the point where things do not excite you anymore and you are just working like a typical office worker ))) And you go to forums in search of what is the latest.

Anyway, as everyone here tells you learn new things, test them and improve them and you will be on your way to success.
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Sounds like you're describing your journey my guy, Big Ups
UNTLD сказал(а):
I can spoof any email for you
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EeXpLl001It сказал(а):
Эта ветка предназначена для вопросов и ответов! вот почему я спросил? если бы я хотел нанять, я бы сделал пост на рынке! если вы несобираетесь делиться советом или двумя, то не нужно отвечать ()()()
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Get domain/webmail access to a legitimate server
@lekinrib interesting advice bro if you can help with how to get a good database and what tools you recommend to verify emails would be great and also if you need any workers lmk !
lekinrib сказал(а):
So I’m a professional Spammer and have a lot of experience in BEC . Im creating this thread to talk about anything related to bec . Anyone feel free to ask any question I will answer being the most blunt possible.
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I can provide you corp bankdrops, and drops created by bank insiders, for purposes of BEC.