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Очистка крипты через Mining pools


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Сабж. Вопрос в заголовке. Через какие Mining pools вы работали? Поделитесь подводными камнями.
waahoo сказал(а):
Каким таким образом ты что-то там очистить можешь через пул? Он в одну сторону работает, на выдачу крипты с вознаграждения от просчитанного блока соразмерно твоему участию в этом процессе. Шынгыз?

Cryptocurrency Mining Pools and Crypto Money Laundering
Learn how cybercriminals can money launder cryptocurrency via mining pools, with two real world examples involving ransomware and scams.

In many cases, we see ransomware actors sending to the deposit address through intermediary wallets. However, the interplay between Ransomware wallet 4 and Mining pool 3 at the bottom of the graph is especially interesting. Both the ransomware wallet and the mining pool have sent substantial amounts to the exchange deposit address via intermediaries. But we also see that in some cases, the ransomware wallet has sent funds to the mining pool, both directly and via intermediaries. This may represent a sophisticated attempt at money laundering, in which the ransomware actor funnels funds to its preferred exchange via the mining pool in order to avoid triggering compliance alarms at the exchange. In this scenario, the mining pool acts similarly to a mixer in that it obfuscates the origin of funds (reminder: you can’t trace crypto through services, mining pools included) and creates the illusion that the funds are proceeds from mining rather than from ransomware.