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need help '-'


Midle Weight
Hello evryone ^_^ !!!

ive made post here like before two weeks or less ( here is it: the post '-') which i asked on abt some advices like how can i use/invest my 300$ btc....

now let say that actually turned into 800$ in btc ( 0.01849219 btc exactly '_' )

so i told my friend at school abt that and he said that it better to buy a good laptop with 500-600$ and use the rest to buy a course abt trading + a bot and they will cost 100$ exactly..... and he'll help me with that...

my friend who sent me that that 800$ in btc ( never forget to thank him <3) said that trading is actually somthing useless...and the best way to invest them is to get new skills in such domains like malware dev/analys and buy the hardware

but...i dont want to lose all that money to be honest :"(....

_ So please....does that course and the bot deserve 100$ ? should i buy them or just searching about some books and i'll be fine? is it trading something usefull now for real? i want to use them in the best way i can do....

thank you all :")
Потрать деньги на свои хотелки, подними себе настроение и не жалей о том что мог использовать средства рациональней. На позитивной ноте продолжай свой путь в изучении вирусологии.

Будешь параноить останешься без волос на голове.

Если всё таки пойдешь в трейдинг то читай книги. На курсах выучишь лишь крутые слова.
Закройте ему доступ к форуму, или запретите создавать темы, на крайняк скамните его на эти 800$ что бы он перестал мечтать и прочуял суровую реальность
Yuji0x01 сказал(а):
did u ever see my old post? i said i dont have any knowledge abt cryptocurrencies and trading and so all...that why i asked
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован

делать мне нехуй твои старые посты изучать))

Я ничего не знаю, так что не советуйте мне того, что я не умею. Скажите мне то , что я умею и где я могу заработать деньги.
hackeryaroslav сказал(а):
чел ну это уже перебор, тот самый момент когда деньги попадают не к тому чуваку, тому самому, который хочет, чтобы они росли каждый день, не хочет инвестировать их в знания и купить наконец себе новый пк, хотя недавно ныл об этом всем

Can you just shut up? Go and update ur brute force tool from 1999...even my little bro can do more than that...is it mistake to ask about somthing new? Like you making ur self know everything... It's not shame that you don't have an answer... But when you do... Just don't say anything...
hackeryaroslav сказал(а):
man, this is already too much, that very moment when money goes to the wrong dude, the same one who wants it to grow every day, does not want to invest it in knowledge and finally buy himself a new PC, although he recently whined about it to everyone

It's better to give some advice then making ur self Ike you work with LockBit
Yuji0x01 сказал(а):
Can you just shut up? Go and update ur brute force tool from 1999...even my little bro can do more than that...is it mistake to ask about somthing new? Like you making ur self know everything... It's not shame that you don't have an answer... But when you do... Just don't say anything...

my schoolboy is trying to show off by talking nonsense without any proves. In what damn world am i when shoolboy knows about python more than i do? Lmao, even his lil genius bruh can do better, yeah, do it, gonna review ur code, u told told that u know C, python, C++, C# and like 4 other languages or somewhere like that? Just funny to see u crying
Yuji0x01 сказал(а):
It's better to give some advice then making ur self Ike you work with LockBit

u wanna answer? Okey, give all the money to ur parents, u damn lil shoolboy just wont anything responsible, not even talking about profit. Also, take advise with them about ur protection cuz ure hanging out with potential russian criminals. Hope u didnt get dirty crypto
hackeryaroslav сказал(а):
my schoolboy is trying to show off by talking nonsense without any proves. In what damn world am i when shoolboy knows about python more than i do? Lmao, even his lil genius bruh can do better, yeah, do it, gonna review ur code, i told that u know C, python, and like 4 other languages? Just funny to see u crying
hackeryaroslav сказал(а):
u wanna answer? Okey, give all the money to ur parents, u damn lil shoolboy just wont anything responsible, not even talking about profit. Also, take advise with them about ur protection cuz ure hanging out with potential russian criminals. Hope u didnt get dirty crypto

Okey then...

If I got them... I won't lose anything...cz I didn't have them before.
Yuji0x01 сказал(а):
I didn't... And if I got them... I won't lose anything...I didn't have anything before that...

looks like u dont even understand what im talking about, looks like ure scared
hackeryaroslav сказал(а):
looks like u dont even understand what im talking about, so dissopointing

I do... U said if I get dirty crypto.. And I said that if I got them I won't lose anything... U can't steal my wallet since it's doesn't have anything on it... Even 1$
Yuji0x01 сказал(а):
I do... U said if I get dirty crypto.. And I said that if I got them I won't lose anything... U can't steal my wallet since it's doesn't have anything on it... Even 1$

i..........am..........not......gonna......lose....anything...... right? Im not gonna lose it, im not.... Ну лан, пусть школьник делает что считает нужным, если он их проебет, я только рад буду, только так люди становится фин граматными. Раз он самостоятелен, школьным друзьям доверят больше чем нам и родителям, пусть так и будет
hackeryaroslav сказал(а):
i..........am..........not......gonna......lose....anything...... right? Im not gonna lose it, im not.... Ну лан, пусть школьник делает что считает нужным, если он их проебет, я только рад буду, только так люди становится фин граматными. Раз он самостоятелен, школьным друзьям доверят больше чем нам и родителям, пусть так и будет
Here my SQL server controler which I made with Python... I bet that u won't even understand it... Just go to your little ChatGPT and ask for explication :https://github.com/dahmanAl9r/MySQL-Server-Control-System-

Uh, you mean I have to believe someone I talked to for 10 min at a Russian hacking forum contrary to believing someone I actually know?
Yuji0x01 сказал(а):
i told my friend at school
Yuji0x01 сказал(а):
Here my SQL server controler which I made with Python...
Yuji0x01 сказал(а):
Uh, you mean I have to believe someone I talked to for 10 min at a Russian hacking forum contrary to believing someone I actually know?
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован

talking about some money which u got kinda accidently - not a best way. Dont trust people, then will be real troubels they will sell you and they will not histate a lot. I can be wrong but I think for you, who got 800 usd not often its like - indicator of comprometation or alert of SEIM. You need to improve yours opsec asap or u will be spoted by mom`s EDR\XDR and you as a beacon - will be immidiatly deleted from disk before any execution, understood?

take a deep breath and calm down dude. That agressive individuals like that can be deployed anywhere across our cute little web - that class of people prefer spent time on producing useless agressive posts here instead of big amount of more intrsting things. His choice - his problems, dont pay a lot of attention on that. Even "good" peoples - sometimes acting as a idiots, maybe his wife got dead and he got damn mood or any others shit. A lot of shit we got in our life, we need to spent resources on that shit, lets safe energy a little bit, lets be more gentle in the community and that world will be a lot convinet for everyone.

The peoples which acting this way - making negative impackt on it. Here a lot of people which everyday, ok maybe every week, whatever, they sharing knowledges and supporting each other. In the end if u dont like that someone posting, you can click "Ignore" under his avatar. Spent yours time on some enjoyable or realy important things, no need to talk with kid in this way cus he just a kid - what do you want from him? you also was not so smart in childhood, right? Pls be more gentle. Thank you if you`ll try to understand at least.

@Yuji0x01 dont be a harry. u can spent it anytime dw. Any "new" we need to analyze more carefully cus its new and we actually have no idea about how to handle cus its damn new - so for best advice - listen no one - but collect the ideas or data which peoples shared, but think yourself anyway. Best idea ever - spent more time on task and u will get success 100% if task can be done by the phizics law or any damn law which we still cant hack or bypass as a fuckin filrewall. We can do anything - just need time.

ps - sry abt my poor english level, cus Im noob.
SVG45qbVolk сказал(а):
Если всё таки пойдешь в трейдинг то читай книги
SVG45qbVolk сказал(а):
Потрать деньги на свои хотелки
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован

forgot about damn trainings - thats useless. On the exchanges earn like 10-20% in long term. You realy think that you have enough expirience and resources for take that chalange - the banks and "gold bags" spent a lot of money there and sometime even they sucks, I have much more better idea. Listen and write it down as a plan, trust me)))) So: You need to spend time for learn how to use others people code and adopt it for yours case cus u cant develop any soft u use, next start improve yours tooling yourself - already in that part u will be more "free" cus alreay got 100-200k usd but keep learning and start researching - first bindiff - u can learn some "target" or "attack surface" I mean OSes and enviroments where yours shellcode or any damn PIC code u will try to execute via yours PoC and then vendor relese patch - u must be ready to create a weponized exploit code and keep ip-lists of targets ready cus if u will get it fast enough - u will face 50%-60% targets will vulnerable software or even more.

nah. its stupid. spent on something which will make you more happy in time then u hardworking - for making yours work a little bit more easy and enjoyable. Or go get something which will safe a lot yours time everyday. Dont spent it on drugs and womens us usual)) Remember - much better spent yours income after some investment - another words - UP YOURS SKILLS - no humans, which can seized you brain, ok womens can, but whatever - the ability of thinking the one from last things which will be with you all time before death - so use it - thats will make you a little bit more happy 100%
snoww сказал(а):
talking about some money which u got kinda accidently - not a best way. Dont trust people, then will be real troubels they will sell you and they will not histate a lot. I can be wrong but I think for you, who got 800 usd not often its like - indicator of comprometation or alert of SEIM. You need to improve yours opsec asap or u will be spoted by mom`s EDR\XDR and you as a beacon - will be immidiatly deleted from disk before any execution, understood?
snoww сказал(а):
take a deep breath and calm down dude. That agressive individuals like that can be deployed anywhere across our cute little web - that class of people prefer spent time on producing useless agressive posts here instead of big amount of more intrsting things. His choice - his problems, dont pay a lot of attention on that. Even "good" peoples - sometimes acting as a idiots, maybe his wife got dead and he got damn mood or any others shit. A lot of shit we got in our life, we need to spent resources on that shit, lets safe energy a little bit, lets be more gentle in the community and that world will be a lot convinet for everyone.
snoww сказал(а):
if u dont like that someone posting, you can click "Ignore" under his avatar.
snoww сказал(а):
no need to talk with kid in this way cus he just a kid - what do you want from him? you also was not so smart in childhood, right? Pls be more gentle. Thank you if you`ll try to understand at least.
snoww сказал(а):
@Yuji0x01 dont be a harry. u can spent it anytime dw. Any "new" we need to analyze more carefully cus its new and we actually have no idea about how to handle cus its damn new - so for best advice - listen no one - but collect the ideas or data which peoples shared, but think yourself anyway. Best idea ever - spent more time on task and u will get success 100% if task can be done by the phizics law or any damn law which we still cant hack or bypass as a fuckin filrewall. We can do anything - just need time.

ps - sry abt my poor english level, cus Im noob.


okey,i got u -.- i just asked for the best choice and he turned like that..

i didn't kn that can do that ~_~

okey := no problem

thank youu^^ im glad that u're alaways in the forum...it means a lot for me...ill do what you said abt...
Yuji0x01 сказал(а):
ill do what you said
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован

think at least about it. if u work hard will be a moment when moneys isnt a problem but some problems cant be handled by coins. For feds - u just a "job" and coins can be useless and will be useless in 80% of situation cus the case will be known a lot of cops and they will refuse and even add it to yours sentences - cus beside them can be some fucker which will expose the "Briber".
Dont spent a lot on "easy" dofamin - change source of enjoying - enjoy the resoult of yours actions - this is the way)))

Use 10-20 simpe rules, create them yourslef - and that will keep yours ass safe.
Последнее редактирование: 06.01.2024
snoww сказал(а):
Listen and write it down as a plan, trust me))))
snoww сказал(а):
u will be more "free" cus alreay got 100-200k usd
snoww сказал(а):
keep learning and start researching - first bindiff - u can learn some "target" or "attack surface" I mean OSes and enviroments where yours shellcode or any damn PIC code u will try to execute via yours PoC and then vendor relese patch - u must be ready to create a weponized exploit code and keep ip-lists of targets ready cus if u will get it fast enough - u will face 50%-60% targets will vulnerable software or even more.
snoww сказал(а):
Dont spent it on drugs and womens us usual
snoww сказал(а):
much better spent yours income after some investment - another words - UP YOURS SKILLS
snoww сказал(а):
no humans, which can seized you brain, ok womens can
snoww сказал(а):
hatever - the ability of thinking the one from last things which will be with you all time before death - so use it - thats will make you a little bit more happy 100%
snoww сказал(а):
think at least about it. if u work hard will be a moment when moneys isnt a problem but some problems cant be handled by coins. For feds - u just a "job" and coins can be useless and will be useless in 80% of situation cus the case will be known a lot of cops and they will refuse and even add it to yours sentences - cus beside them can be some fucker which will expose the "Briber".
Dont spent a lot on "easy" dofamin - change source of enjoying - enjoy the resoult of yours actions - this is the way)))

Use 10-20 simpe rules, create them yourslef - and that will keep yours ass safe.
hackeryaroslav сказал(а):
The dude really de-anonymized himself, he didn't even forget to write where he lives)
Yuji0x01 сказал(а):
i'm reading *-* + i trust u

wait what?? where u think i can get them??

you mean.. keep learning and start researching how to find and exploit vulnerabilities in software systems?..
and hey... i remembercsomthing... do you have any resources(links) abt starting to make a C2 from zero using C/C++?
_ i understand othr things u said... ill search abt that:"bindiff"","vendor release patch" and "weaponized exploit code"...

im nt tht kind tbh...

okey... understood^^

okey... promise to follow your way.but only one thing before... c
Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть...

i'm reading *-* + i trust u

wait what?? where u think i can get them??

you mean.. keep learning and start researching how to find and exploit vulnerabilities in software systems?..
and hey... i remembercsomthing... do you have any resources(links) abt starting to make a C2 from zero using C/C++?
_ i understand othr things u said... ill search abt that:"bindiff"","vendor release patch" and "weaponized exploit code"...

im nt tht kind tbh...

okey... understood^^

okey... promise to follow your way.but only one thing before...ice80 can you please share some little resources you think will really help me... this is only what i need... and thank u<<3

thank u so mutch for the advices ^^ appreciete that, have a good time !

What are you going to do? you Will eat dinner with me? '_'

Последнее редактирование: 06.01.2024