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MultiBoT - Email Click Monitor


Light Weight
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован
MultiBoT - Email Click Monitor is extension for antibot.pw and killbot.org, this can switch on setting, features:
Monitor visitor emails by using a link that has the # hashtag added behind the link
Multi Redirect URL for Real Visitor
Multi Redirect URL for Detected as BoT
Check if website redirect is RED MARK / DECEPTION PAGE by browser
All notification integrate with Telegram

- not include subcriptions or API Key on Antibot or Killbot
- Licensed by username Telegram

Demo Video:
- https://t.co/07u75MvuDS
- https://t.co/X8mwDU8KYj (after upgrade features)

Price: $100 lifetime