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Light Weight
Moneydrainer is a software that will make you rich, clean code, clear manual, and much more.

Multichain: moneydrainer is a multichain drainer supporting 10+ chains. We will continue to add new chains as we see fit based on total TVL, protocols, and more.

Asset Support:
Moneydrainer supports a wide variety of assets and protocols. A comprenhensive list will not be given. The Bermuda team is also adding new assets as seen fit.

Protocol Support:
Moneydrainer Supports many defi protocols, such as GMX, Lending markets such as aave and radiant, Liquid Staking platforms, Liquidity Protocols, and more.

Moneydrainer has bypasses in place for both Blockaid, in which a flag will not show for most methods (including permits and increases), and Blockaid + Opensea, in which either a yellow flag will show saying nothing malicious has been found, or no flag will show for most transactions.
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If you have any questions or want to buy, you can contact here: @moneydrnr_owner
there are also other drainers available, but they will be cheaper and a little worse
новокек с тремя месседжами продаёт дрейнер .
данная тема на английском + телега указана одна.
а вот тут --->> https://xss.is/threads/114408/ на чистом русском и телега соответственно другая. с чего бы это ? М ?
готовимся к кидку и арбитражу ?

а вот тут https://xss.is/threads/107165/ ему УЖЕ закрыли тему на депозит.
Тело что то не понимает по ходу дела.

