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Merchant Cashout Professionals/Experienced Members


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I want to put together a group for any experienced members that open merchant accounts to cash out CC.

To make things clear so that there is no waste of time:
1. Not looking for beginners nor anyone looking to learn basics. I am only looking for individuals that live off this or that have at least 5+ years of experience in this domain.
2. Stripe, Square, Intuit and all these type of services are not real merchants.
3. Do not join with the mentality of selling or buying services.

This is a complex operation to put together and requires a lot of different skills and knowledge you need to have. Of course, if you know what you are doing and have experience, a lot of money is made.

To give a quick background about me, I started getting into merchants around 2010-2011 during the AlphaBay era. In my opinion, this was the best time to learn your craft because there was a lot of knowledge that was given away for free and the community was very helpful. I somehow got myself into a very private group of people, I would say there was 12 in total, and they had created this 40 page PDF guide on how to open Stripe and cash it out. For those that do not know this, between 2007-2010, Stripe was the get rich scheme quick nobody knew. I joined towards the end but the guys in this group were constantly posting at the end of the week how much they brought in and it was insane amount between 80k USD to 150k USD. They had screenshots of older accounts with 1.2m cashed out and paid in 2 weeks.

They helped me out a lot and I never understood why and even with that, I never managed to make money with them, mainly due to Stripe already having invested 1 billion dollars in new security but I learned A LOT. I took what I learned and started trying things. It took me 5 years of experimenting and making a lot of mistakes until I finally figured out it works.

I have been in the merchant business for 11+ years at this point. The reason I want to put together this group is that things change very fast and although I have my methods I am sure there is someone out there doing it better and they can learn from me as much as I can learn from them. I am sick of unprofessional people that just want quick money. I am sick of people with no knowledge or skills about anything expecting to make money in this business. I am sick of the low quality work and half assed jobs I see people doing.

If you are interested, PM what you work with how long you've been doing it and an estimate of the $ that it brings you per month or per setup. I will ask you some questions to figure out where you are and hopefully I find some people that can make me look stupid so I can learn something new.
король сказал(а):
I want to put together a group for any experienced members that open merchant accounts to cash out CC.

To make things clear so that there is no waste of time:
1. Not looking for beginners nor anyone looking to learn basics. I am only looking for individuals that live off this or that have at least 5+ years of experience in this domain.
2. Stripe, Square, Intuit and all these type of services are not real merchants.
3. Do not join with the mentality of selling or buying services.

This is a complex operation to put together and requires a lot of different skills and knowledge you need to have. Of course, if you know what you are doing and have experience, a lot of money is made.

To give a quick background about me, I started getting into merchants around 2010-2011 during the AlphaBay era. In my opinion, this was the best time to learn your craft because there was a lot of knowledge that was given away for free and the community was very helpful. I somehow got myself into a very private group of people, I would say there was 12 in total, and they had created this 40 page PDF guide on how to open Stripe and cash it out. For those that do not know this, between 2007-2010, Stripe was the get rich scheme quick nobody knew. I joined towards the end but the guys in this group were constantly posting at the end of the week how much they brought in and it was insane amount between 80k USD to 150k USD. They had screenshots of older accounts with 1.2m cashed out and paid in 2 weeks.

They helped me out a lot and I never understood why and even with that, I never managed to make money with them, mainly due to Stripe already having invested 1 billion dollars in new security but I learned A LOT. I took what I learned and started trying things. It took me 5 years of experimenting and making a lot of mistakes until I finally figured out it works.

I have been in the merchant business for 11+ years at this point. The reason I want to put together this group is that things change very fast and although I have my methods I am sure there is someone out there doing it better and they can learn from me as much as I can learn from them. I am sick of unprofessional people that just want quick money. I am sick of people with no knowledge or skills about anything expecting to make money in this business. I am sick of the low quality work and half assed jobs I see people doing.

If you are interested, PM what you work with how long you've been doing it and an estimate of the $ that it brings you per month or per setup. I will ask you some questions to figure out where you are and hopefully I find some people that can make me look stupid so I can learn something new.
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