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Let's Discuss How Hackers/Spammers Phish Banks & CC User's With SMS Methodologies and How They CashOut Funds:🛠️🧠👨‍💻


Midle Weight

👨‍💻🧠Start by obtaining a bank log that provides login access.
Avoid using major banks like Chase, Wells Fargo, BOA, or 53rd, as they may require additional verification steps.
Opt for local banks such as TD Bank, SunTrust, Fidelity, or any local bank credit unions for a smoother process.


👨‍💻🧠Bank Transfers to sidestep chargebacks and delays:
ACH transfers typically take 3-5 business days to process. During this time, chargebacks may happen, or certain aspects of the transfer could trigger alerts, requiring your driver's ID or passport, which you might not have. This is what we call a delay.

All of this hassle can waste your time and energy, leaving you to rely on luck.

This approach leads to chargebacks occurring after you've already spent your funds. Delays depend on how cautious and savvy you are.

This method involves a third party for cashing out instead of a direct transfer, and the transfer can be completed within two days.

🏦Bank logs are formatted as follows:
🏦Name: Scarletta Scarletta
🏦Account: 9476XXX8756
🏦Routing: 198733XXX00101
🏦Bank Name: Local Credit Union
🏦SSN: 451-24-3653
🏦DOB: 53/89/1960
🏦Billing Address: Indianapolis, Indiana (IN), 46204

Additional details may include state, city, email, and password, but most importantly, if your source has cookies, make sure to get those too.

1. Visit card.com to obtain a prepaid card linked to a checking account using the bank logs. It will take 3-5 days to activate the card, but you can deposit funds once registration is successful. As long as you don’t make any changes to the account, the owner won’t be alerted.

2. Go to Venmo and create an account using the prepaid account details. Verify your Venmo account with the SSN, DOB, and other necessary information.

3. After a day, link the prepaid account to your Venmo account and verify it. Input the bank log details into your Venmo account and complete the verification. Two days will pass.

4. On the third day, load less than $11,000 into your Venmo balance. The following day, cash out less than $10,000 into your prepaid account. The money is yours to use.

5. The card should arrive at your drop location. Activate it online and cash out right away.

Warning. ⚠
1. Prepaid cards can only handle amounts of $10,000 or less. Any amount over $10,000 will be returned to your Venmo balance.

2. Transfer funds the day after you load them.

3. It's important to ensure that the name, social security number, date of birth, and Your sock IP must match consistent across your prepaid account, Venmo account, and bank records.

4. Be smart don't withdraw all the money from your Venmo balance at once, buddy🤣 to avoid security trigger.


👨‍💻🔰Now Let's us working on how to Spam Bank logs and Methods hacker/spammer use👨‍💻🔰:

Noted: You Need Your brain and basic understanding about social engineering skills as spammer:

How Hacker's & Spammer's use various techniques to spam bank users, typically aiming to steal sensitive information such as account numbers, passwords, or personal identification details. Here are some common methods they employ:

1. Phishing Emails
Description: Hackers send emails that appear to come from a legitimate bank. These emails often contain urgent messages, like a security alert or a request to verify account details.
Tactics: The email may include a link to a fake website that looks like the bank’s official site. When users enter their login credentials, hackers capture this information.

2. Smishing (SMS Phishing)
Description: Similar to phishing emails, but the fraudulent messages are sent via SMS.
Tactics: Messages often include a link to a spoofed bank website or a phone number to call, where an automated system or scammer will ask for personal information.

3. Vishing (Voice Phishing)
Description: Hackers call victims pretending to be bank representatives.
Tactics: They might use caller ID spoofing to make the call appear legitimate and then ask for sensitive information under the guise of verifying the user’s identity or account.

4. Malware
Description: Malicious software is designed to infect a user’s computer or mobile device.
Tactics: Malware can be distributed through email attachments, malicious links, or infected apps. Once installed, it can log keystrokes, steal stored credentials, or redirect users to fake banking sites.

5. Social Engineering
Description: Manipulating individuals into divulging confidential information.
Tactics: Hackers may use psychological tricks, such as creating a sense of urgency or posing as a trusted figure, to convince users to share sensitive data.

6. Clone Websites
Description: Creating a replica of a bank’s website.
Tactics: Hackers might send links to these clone sites via email, SMS, or social media, tricking users into entering their login details.

7. Spoofing
Description: Faking an email address, phone number, or website URL to appear as a legitimate source.
Tactics: By spoofing the bank’s official contact details, hackers can make their communications seem more credible and trustworthy.

8. Data Breaches
Description: Attacking a bank or a third-party service provider to steal user data.
Tactics: Hackers may use the stolen data to directly access accounts or to craft more convincing phishing or social engineering attacks.

9. Credential Stuffing
Description: Using stolen username and password combinations from other breaches to access bank accounts.
Tactics: Automated tools are used to test these credentials across multiple sites, exploiting users who reuse passwords.


SmS Whapi Spamming Tools🛠️ Needed For Bank/CC Will Listed Below:

👨‍💻🛠️Scam-Pages script Of Banks
👨‍💻🛠️Whapi SMS Bulk Sender Script
👨‍💻🛠️Whapi API Token
👨‍💻🛠️Phone Number Mobile Carreir Leads
👨‍💻🛠️Whapi Script Mobile Number Validator script
👨‍💻🛠️Phone Number Carreir Validator script
👨‍💻🛠️Phone Number generator script
👨‍💻🛠️RDP 8GB, 4 CPU
👨‍💻🛠️Whapi Business Account
👨‍💻🛠️Spam-Words Checker
👨‍💻🛠️Texts Messages AI Generator
👨‍💻🛠️Bulletproof Host Panel
👨‍💻🛠️Domain + CDN Proxie Provider's
👨‍💻🛠️Anti-Bot Smart-Link APIKEY
👨‍💻🛠️Open Redirect url Handling
👨‍💻🛠️Google Cloud Account Need Free With Verified CC
👨‍💻🛠️reCaptcha Script

We will use Listed Methods Below:

2. Smishing (SMS Phishing):
SMS spamming has become a prevalent method for targeting banking, credit card, and PayPal accounts. Consequently, we will utilize WhatsApp for sending SMS text messages through social engineering techniques. It is perplexing that many beginners fail to think critically and resort to outdated methods and common tricks, ultimately wasting both time and money, only to lament the lack of results from their spamming efforts.

Regarding the use of WhatsApp SMS: WhatsApp has emerged as a preferred platform for numerous companies, including cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance, which employ it for customer OTP SMS verification. Additionally, Yahoo and other organizations have adopted WhatsApp for similar purposes. The increasing challenges faced by SMS telecom ISPs have made it increasingly difficult for individuals to reach their spam targets, often resulting in blocks due to the age of domains and the presence of spam-related keywords, particularly those associated with banking. Filters implemented by ISPs and SMS service providers can further hinder spam messages. In contrast, utilizing WhatsApp can alleviate these challenges, provided one applies thoughtful strategies in their setup and messaging approach.

5. Social Engineering:
It is essential to understand the importance of social engineering. Consider this scenario: if someone sends you foolish messages, would you easily fall for them? We must evaluate how susceptible we are to manipulation before we can achieve our desired outcomes. Using common sense is crucial - never disclose your bank passwords, even if you receive messages claiming that your account will be locked unless you provide information. Such tactics are outdated and nonsensical. Would you or I believe such foolish messages?

To effectively engage in social engineering, it is necessary to research the current affairs of the state or country you are targeting. There are numerous resources and government benefits in the United States that can be exploited. By crafting persuasive SMS messages, you can increase the likelihood of individuals falling for your scams. I have even created a "Video Of Whapi Sender Script" demonstrating how I established a business WhatsApp account on a SIM-less Android phone for my strategic endeavors. This phone contains no personal information, only serving as a platform for cybersecurity testing. I developed a basic Python script for sending bulk WhatsApp messages to achieve my objectives, and it proved to be successful. Take a look at how I utilized a free AI spam reputation checker to filter out spam words in my messages.

6. Clone Websites:
Sure, we require an updated scam-page script to ensure that our victims believe our fake website is a legitimate page for logging into a real bank website.

We definitely need an updated scam-page script to make our victims trust our fake website as if it were a legitimate page for logging into a real bank website.

8. Data Breaches:

Sure, we require information such as phone numbers. Obtain phone leads from a hacked database through SQL injection or utilize an updated Python phone number generator. Remember to strategically use keywords for the target state of large banks' user branches in order to generate phone leads. Google dork search engine is a valuable tool for hackers and spammers to gather information online.

Once you have gathered a significant amount of phone numbers, look for a script or online service that validates mobile number carriers to filter out landline numbers.

We are interested in mobile numbers only. Once we have identified our mobile number leads, we move on to validating which ones are registered with WhatsApp using a WhatsApp phone number validator, such as a WhatsApp API script checker.

After completing these steps, make sure to save the information in a secure location.

Load your SMS WhatsApp script with your numbers.txt file and the messages you have prepared in your message.txt file. Then, open the command prompt or terminal in your file directory to execute the spamming process and deliver messages to your targets.

If you need guidance on setting up a host, creating a panel, uploading a page, etc., refer to my previous threads where I have shared detailed tutorials on these topics.


Protection Tips:
Be Skeptical of Unsolicited Communications: Verify the authenticity of emails, texts, or calls by contacting the bank directly through official channels.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication: This adds an extra layer of security to your accounts.

Regularly Monitor Accounts: Keep an eye on account statements and report any suspicious activity immediately.

Educate Yourself: Stay informed about common phishing and fraud tactics.

Keep Software Updated: Ensure your devices are protected with the latest security updates and antivirus software.

👨‍💻🔰Staying vigilant and cautious can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to these types of attacks.

A big thank you to the xss.is family and security teams. Wishing you all successful hunting with big bags💰👨‍💻💵