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How to setup spamming and Host Your Phishing Script properly For Beginner's!!


Midle Weight
Hey Fam!! To I Am Going To Explain How To setup Host for spamming and Configure your Bulletproof Hosting VPS H-Panel Of Your Choice?

Setting up a Virtual Private Server (VPS) involves several steps. Below is a general guide on how to set up a VPS host. Note that specific steps may vary depending on your VPS provider and the operating system you choose. This guide assumes you have already acquired a VPS subscription.

You need putty or wls to access your vps and configure your Host-Lab-Panel

It's good advice to check the reputation of your VPS host's IP address, especially if you're planning to use it for email services or other online activities. Services like Spamhaus maintain blacklists of IP addresses known for sending spam or engaging in malicious activities.

If you find that your VPS host's IP address is listed on a spam blacklist, it's important to take action to resolve the issue. Here's a more detailed guide on what you can do:

1. Check IP Address Reputation:
Visit the Spamhaus website or use their services to check the reputation of your VPS host's IP address: Spamhaus Blocklist Removal Center.

2. Confirm the Blacklist Status:
If your IP address is listed, carefully read the information provided to understand the reason for the listing.

3. Contact Your VPS Provider:
Open a support ticket with your VPS hosting provider.
Provide them with details about the blacklisted IP address and request assistance in resolving the issue.

4. Request an IP Address Change:
If the IP address is consistently blacklisted, you might consider requesting a new IP address from your VPS provider.

5. Improve Security:
Evaluate and improve the security of your VPS to prevent future issues.
Ensure that your server software is up to date and secure.
Implement strong authentication mechanisms.
Regularly monitor your server for suspicious activities.

6. Verify Removal from Blacklist:
After taking corrective actions, use the Spamhaus website or similar services to verify that your IP address has been removed from the blacklist.

7. Implement Best Practices:
Follow best practices for securing and maintaining your VPS to avoid future blacklisting.

8. Monitor Regularly:
Periodically check the reputation of your IP address to catch any issues early.
Remember that actively addressing blacklisting issues is crucial for maintaining a good online reputation and ensuring that your legitimate emails or services are not affected.

Waht's Next..............

1. Log in to Your VPS Provider's Dashboard:
Access the dashboard provided by your VPS hosting provider using the credentials they provided.

2. Select and Deploy a VPS Instance:
Choose the specifications for your VPS instance, such as the operating system, resources (CPU 4, 8 GB Memory, 60 GB Storage, 10 Gbps DDOS Protection, Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04), and data center location.

Deploy the VPS instance.

3. Access the VPS via SSH:
Once deployed, connect to your VPS using SSH. Most VPS providers offer an SSH key or a password-based authentication method.
Copy code
ssh username@ Next prompt do not panic type yes and copy and paste your vps passwords!

4. Update and Upgrade Packages:
Update the package lists and upgrade the installed packages.
Copy code
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

5. Secure Your VPS:
Change the default SSH port for added security.
Set up a firewall to control incoming and outgoing traffic.

6. Configure Timezone and Locale:
Set the correct timezone and locale for your server.
Copy code
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

7. Setup hostname:
Type this commandline below:
copy code & paste
sudo -i
hostnamectl set-hostname node.xss.tld
to confirm this command if your hostname added to your server use this command below
$> hostname > hit enter

8. Domain Configuration (Optional):
If you have a domain, configure DNS settings to point to your VPS IP address.
9. SSL/TLS Configuration (Optional):
If applicable, set up SSL/TLS certificates for secure connections.
10. Regular Backups:
Implement a backup strategy to protect your data.
11. Monitoring and Maintenance:
Set up monitoring tools and perform regular maintenance tasks.

After this Configuration update/upgrade you do not install whm. i don't use that. use this resource called hestia(dot)com, how to configure H-panel

Step 1-
Download the installation script for the latest release:
copy code and pasge to terminal

$> wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hestiacp/hestiacp/release/install/hst-install.sh

If the download fails due to an SSL validation error, please be sure you've installed the ca-certificate package on your system - you can do this with the following command:
copy code to your commandline:
$> apt-get update && apt-get install ca-certificates

Step 2: Run
To begin the installation process, simply run the script and follow the on-screen prompts:
copy code to your terminal:

$> bash hst-install.sh

if you face error use this command
copy code
$> bash hst-install.sh --force

What’s next?

By now, you should have a Hestia installation on your server. You are ready to add new users, so that you (or they) can add new websites on your server.

To access your control panel, navigate to https://host.domain.tld:8083 or http://your.public.ip.address:8083, copy the url and save to your notepad. then paste to your browser use firefox browser, do not panic when you see security warning, click proceed and use your login info passwords and admin default username.

Next Buy your domains from provider you wish but careful some domain providers not support spamming and they monitor new domains. here is trick i used after purcahse domain.

example of my domain for office 365/ Credit Card for Netflix or Amazon

Domain 1- offsite2.net or .info, kindly use subdomain finder script and then pick your custom domain from subdomain you found to antispam webmail to scan then if they are clean domain!....

Here i will not connect this domain to HestiaCP directly, Please Go to Dns advance then click add new recod a' generate string btc code

example in your dns advanced record: host @- type this in your textbox 365jsdviyreiugr |IP user your vps ip: | click saved

Then your domain will called subdomain it will look like this example> 365jsdviyreiugr.offsite2.net, Do not add your domain.com directly to your hestiacp user. it's just a trick to overlook by antispam domain checker.

What's Next to know about spamming before sending out your letter+link:

Never buy smtp without get all needed info. because many smtp from seller it's cracked, so make sure you have your host vps config and install Host-panel script on your vps. then get below list down before buying smtp.

1- Make sure you user fresh uncommon contents in your html letter for email & sms spamming, never use old html letter or common contents in sms or html letter.
2- Make sure you use unique sender name and subject words. to byapss smtp bot scam, spam filtering, isp bot scan etc...
3- Make sure you encrypted your letter and filter bad words. here is free manual encrypted "&shy" place this &shy between 2 to 3 letter words in your html letter.
4- make sure you mask your phishing link and add redirect bypass again bad visitor users, like vpn,bot,webroot etc..
5- If your smtp limit is 5k or 10k never send the accurate limit in aday or in an hour, because it's hacked and owner might used before you. sendout max 500 to 2.3k to avoid trigger antispam security.


For Beginner's what kind of tools needed for spamming | CC | O.365 | Business Webmail | Bank | USA & Canada & Australia....!

1- vps host
2- scampage script
3- email sender
4- smtp
5- mask fudlink and ope redirect
6- letter encryptor
7- sms sender
8- smtp to sms or gateway api- but i recommended smtp to sms.
9- buy professional domain
10- Scampage obfucation scampage script unscape.(qbot)
11- Leads - either phone number or email
12- debounce back validate make sure you purchase with new apikey.
13- sms phone number validator
14- Telegram Bot is the best for results panel.google how to create telegram bot.
15- Leads sorted.
16- RDP with proton vpn or pia vpn

Happy phishing and and hacking xss.is Fam!!

Whoami pen tester and professional IT security for living!...
Next tutorial we be post, how to get smtp with private combos using open source tool!

I teach private spam class and make custom page, hire me for your advance spamming setup or help you fix your spamming issue!
Hi thank you very much for all this explanation. I would like to spam in France and I am a beginner, do you think that with the basic knowledge I can achieve it? I only have scampage for now...
lokki010 сказал(а):
Hi thank you very much for all this explanation. I would like to spam in France and I am a beginner, do you think that with the basic knowledge I can achieve it? I only have scampage for now...

If you know what you are doing you can achieve your goals, and check my other threats or find a legit spammer or hacker to give you basic live tutorial. good day to you
w999 сказал(а):
where to buy

write me on qtox:

My qtox ID: 62D24F913DC2F953A6990825498D7D4AF01BF710B6E3A44E567ADDCA1B91741C15E0BD422A90

check qtox tut here:
clients:qtox - Tox Wiki
ssh рол@ип -p (порт-но)
ssh рол@ип -p {порт-но} -o "ProxyCommand=nc -X (прото) -x (проксй-ип:проксй-попт) %h %p"
sudo apt install tor
AutomapHostsOnResolve 1
TransPort 9040
DNSPort 5353
ExcludeExitNodes {us},{de},{it},{nl},{no},{es},{se},{gb},{ca},{au},{nz},{be},{dk},{fr}
sudo systemctl restart tor
ssh рол@ип -p {порт-но} -o "ProxyCommand=nc -X 5 -x %h %p"
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