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How do you card bestbuy? HOW?


Midle Weight
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Hello everyone, hope you're all safe and sound.

Let's get right to the point. There is a service that picks up at bestbuy with fake ID. Therefore, the job is 98% done.

The main damn problem is, whenever I try to card bestbuy with valid CC, nonvbv, vbv, whatever type of valid cc, either the payment gets declined, or it gets accepted and then cancelled. There's NO WAY all the Americans are going through this....I'm able to use the CC and card normal shops, but it with bestbuy/apple/big shops, the anti-fraud is killing me.

There's so much profit to be made, ONLY IF THE ORDER PASSES.

The order is made in the name of card holder for pickup in the store.

How are people able to card bestbuy/apple? are you guys using logs? or what? Thanks
I'll give you a little tip from my personal strategy of hitting Apple: "Shipito". Google up and figure it out.
Never had an issue with Apple. Rather with the courier now and then. But in general, with the right set-up, with the right tools of OSINT (for CC purposes) and with the right approach of their website (yes, even that), you can hit them almost every single time. Good luck.
suerte сказал(а):
I'll give you a little tip from my personal strategy of hitting Apple: "Shipito". Google up and figure it out.
Never had an issue with Apple. Rather with the courier now and then. But in general, with the right set-up, with the right tools of OSINT (for CC purposes) and with the right approach of their website (yes, even that), you can hit them almost every single time. Good luck.
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Thank you very much for the information. For me, I don't even need 'shipito', I have people who can pickup with fake ID inside store. But my problem is never did any order pass into ready for pickup.

I'm not sure which BIN is best for it, I tried many C.U, Chase, Debit, Capital One and I use Vektor anti-detect + faceless. If you have any insight on BINS, how long I should warm the website, do I need to create accounts, I'd be glad. In fact, if I can hit 1 successful apple product(macbook for pickup), I will give you 500$. No joke. Thank you.
i can tell you a method that provides to all shops, in 2022 without it is very difficult to card shops without this method , because anti fraud systems getting better day by day write me in pm
darthside сказал(а):
i can tell you a method that provides to all shops, in 2022 without it is very difficult to card shops without this method , because anti fraud systems getting better day by day write me in pm
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keep it for yourself. I can already smell the scam from the way you try to sell me the idea.
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован
Be careful of @saidbek. He will come into your PM. "I will teach you, what you offer me". Shows pics of packs, says he has sniffer and everything and still trying to gain whatever he can. If you want to help, come here and help, don't send PM. No one will pay you anything.
we are looking to understand the intent of the user as they interact with the application and journey through their session. That is not something that the traffic itself can tell us. We need to look beyond the traffic and understand the behavior of the user in the session...

How is the user behaving in the session? Are they cutting and pasting fields that are typically typed by legitimate users? Are they using unusual key combinations?

Who is this user? What device or devices are they coming from? Is what we are seeing expected? Fraudsters often have favorite devices that they use to access many accounts. Or, in some cases, fraudsters may try to access one account from a number of different devices. There are many other device-based examples as well.

perhaps there are mismatches between claimed versus actual environmental settings such as timezone offsets, character sets, languages, and other clues
Personal emails, in particular, are the logical front-end fraud prevention layer. The vast majority of people use a personal email account for personal activities like online shopping, reserving business email addresses for their work-related activities.
Most people rarely change those personal email addresses, unlike their business emails that change anytime they get a new job or their home addresses that change when they move. The long-term use of those personal emails helps make them good identifiers.
Is the email address valid? The assessment tool will perform what’s called a SMTP check to ping the domain server and let you know if the address is true or not.
Is it disposable? A clear red flag pointing towards fraud, we can check if the address was created with a service that offers disposable addresses.
Domain Information: was it created with a free domain? Are there any obstacles to creating it? One good example here would be Gmail. Anyone can create an email address with Google’s mailing domain (which would increase risk), but there is now a phone verification step (which makes it less risky), meanwhile, on Outlook there isn’t.
How old is it? Freshly created email addresses tend to increase the risk factor. Addresses that have been in operation for a while pointing to legitimate use.
Found on a blacklist? An email address that has been flagged as fraudulent by other companies can end up on a blacklist. Your assessment tool should be able to check these lists to let you know if there is a risk there.
Found on data breach? An email address that has been leaked can point to a mature one, which has legitimately been created and used by a user. This could actually make it less risky.
Does the name look ok? String analysis is a great solution that will look at the actual name of the address. Does it have too many numbers? Or a jumble of characters that look out of place? And does the name match one of the cardholders for a transaction?

76% of people who had borrowed money from online loaning companies and had no social media account ended up defaulting on their loans.

But there’s more: if you can find a connection between the email address and social media handles, your fraud management team can then gather information such as a user picture, last login, and posting location.

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Used to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source.

Used to identify a medium such as email or cost-per-click.

Used for keyword analysis. Used to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign.

Used for paid search. Used to note the keywords for this ad.

Used for A/B testing and content-targeted ads. Use utm_content to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL.
logolink or textlink


string or null
Courier used for delivery

string or null
Type of delivery

null or number
Weight, in lbs. If you would prefer to provide weight in kilograms, please contact your account representative.
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Let's ignore the specificity of the merchant for a second and approach things thinking inside the box.

LexisNexis has this to say:

SEON continues:

Common risk qualifiers:
DimmuBurgor сказал(а):
Let's ignore the specificity of the merchant for a second and approach things thinking inside the box.

LexisNexis has this to say:

SEON continues:
Common risk qualifiers:
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Great input. Thanks alot.
jolkha сказал(а):
keep it for yourself. I can already smell the scam from the way you try to sell me the idea.

da fuq i give it to u for free? i spend lots of money on tests to figure it out , and i need give it for free? u really stupid if u think so)
jolkha сказал(а):
Great input. Thanks alot.

Sure. Other less general things to consider:
Assuming you're using a proxy, try checking your latency and MTU
Make sure there's a header referral
What time are you placing the order?
What is the location you're ordering for pickup? Since you're using a drop to pickup, is it possible they have done too much work there recently? Is it in good or bad area of town?
Perceived legitimacy through discount codes or open-box items
Probably obvious but don't have alternate p/u person
darthside сказал(а):
da fuq i give it to u for free? i spend lots of money on tests to figure it out , and i need give it for free? u really stupid if u think so)

You are exactly the type of user the fraud community does not need. People tucking methods up their butts do so because they're without the confidence and/or skill to find another... at best. The alternative is you're just low-level scamming.
DimmuBurgor сказал(а):
You are exactly the type of user the fraud community does not need. People tucking methods up their butts do so because they're without the confidence and/or skill to find another... at best. The alternative is you're just low-level scamming.

wake up to reality noone will give u working advice for free. the advice that u gaved here is useless asf,every carder knows that new registred email is instantly FRAUD and why u are sayin scam to me? i sell something without guarantor or what? i pay money,time and ass to figure it out. all of u are greedy thats what is your problem, u share public advices and think u are cool))
darthside сказал(а):
wake up to reality noone will give u working advice for free. the advice that u gaved here is useless asf,every carder knows that new registred email is instantly FRAUD and why u are sayin scam to me? i sell something without guarantor or what? i pay money,time and ass to figure it out. all of u are greedy thats what is your problem, u share public advices and think u are cool))

I guess you don't read posts by spyboy ghostmarket09? Refuting me with logical fallacies is not adequate. Nobody asked you to surrender anything for free, rather know better than believing a freshly registered account with a sub-reputation peddling panaceas.
yes but u tell me that i am scam because i aint offering information for free)) and dont compare hacking and carding, in hacking u spend TIME, and in carding u spend MONEY so nobody will offer u actual working information for FREE in carding. and i believe that u dunno what GUARANTOR is, it is not about i am freshly registered or i am oldfaq with 10 plus years on this platform if i work with guarantor. watch your self good luck
darthside сказал(а):
yes but u tell me that i am scam because i aint offering information for free)) and dont compare hacking and carding, in hacking u spend TIME, and in carding u spend MONEY so nobody will offer u actual working information for FREE in carding. and i believe that u dunno what GUARANTOR is, it is not about i am freshly registered or i am oldfaq with 10 plus years on this platform if i work with guarantor. watch your self good luck

Spare me your pseudo intellectual word salad. I'm not going to entertain debating some 13 yr old simpleton. Somebody has obviously pissed in your gene pool. Enjoy your leapfrog, discord, cleft pallet, etc.
darthside сказал(а):
i can tell you a method that provides to all shops, in 2022 without it is very difficult to card shops without this method , because anti fraud systems getting better day by day write me in pm

лол, скам не спит нигде и никогда)
suerte сказал(а):
I'll give you a little tip from my personal strategy of hitting Apple: "Shipito". Google up and figure it out.
Never had an issue with Apple. Rather with the courier now and then. But in general, with the right set-up, with the right tools of OSINT (for CC purposes) and with the right approach of their website (yes, even that), you can hit them almost every single time. Good luck.

shipito gives you an us address then they send it out of the country
how do you work it inside the us?
ugrozysk сказал(а):
лол, скам не спит нигде и никогда)

я уже пендосу рот заткнул, теперь тебе рот затыкать? с чего это я скам? потому-что я не делюсь приватной и работающей информацией бесплатно? у вас с мозгами все очень туго.
DimmuBurgor сказал(а):
Spare me your pseudo intellectual word salad. I'm not going to entertain debating some 13 yr old simpleton. Somebody has obviously pissed in your gene pool. Enjoy your leapfrog, discord, cleft pallet, etc.

thats the difference between us, i say u good luck and u say that someone pissed in my gene pool) fuck u asshole hope that u say it to straight in my face so i can smash you fuckin internet hero go fuck yourself
jolkha сказал(а):
Thank you very much for the information. For me, I don't even need 'shipito', I have people who can pickup with fake ID inside store. But my problem is never did any order pass into ready for pickup.

I'm not sure which BIN is best for it, I tried many C.U, Chase, Debit, Capital One and I use Vektor anti-detect + faceless. If you have any insight on BINS, how long I should warm the website, do I need to create accounts, I'd be glad. In fact, if I can hit 1 successful apple product(macbook for pickup), I will give you 500$. No joke. Thank you.

Lets talk.