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Guys, has anyone, ever used ghosthook? is it trustworthy?


Light Weight
At first I saw this article on the hackforums forum,I checked its reviews and the buyers were all new users of the forum user account
I don't see anyone else using it just demonstrating videos on the channel
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i am here in virtual world cyber world from a long long long time, i saw sub7, trojanforge, hackhound, darkode, r00tw0rm and many many many many other old forums

but everyone go down, everyone run away, every single old good forum is dead or eat by Fe***

but my question is this, how and why hackforum still alive ??

answer is :- because HF is all about Fe***, every single new malware or other armageddon type tools or kids stuff tools come from HF, every new tool have tons of tons of comments or good reviews because everything on HF IS FAKE and LIES

sorry i am just angry, not on this post but on some old peoples.