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General Spam Question (First spamming Job)


Midle Weight
1.If im spamming 30k leads and I have 14 letters , How many leads should I spam until I switch letter? for example should I spam 5k then switch or maybe less?

2.Do you think spamming 30k leads all hit inbox will get me good results?

(Spreading rat via link to landing page)

-Would appreciate Answers form experienced spammers
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1. The amount of leads not really a problem is you have remove the honeypots and bad emails from it. Also..depends on the sender. You can make settings to randomize the sending.. or send little by little. The goal is to get results and not to spam thousands without results.

2. To get good results depends on 3 things
A. How fud is your payload to bypass runtime detections
B. How convincing is your landing page to prompt download of your file ?
C. Quality of your leads. , also note most emails you sent that has links in them are mostly blocked by the email and sometimes ends in spam.

My advice.
1. Depends the results you looking for. Let's say you need office logs.. you don't spam such high or that way.. rather target your victims.
Send a fair simple message first to attract a reply. This way if they reply to you. You have bypass the anti-spam shit.. then you can reply back with your message with link. Though am no fan of spamming leads with link rather spam leads with attachment via exploits.
If you must use link to your landing then use Google traffic or any alternative traffic source to send traffic to your landing page. Not via email.
Cplusplus сказал(а):
1. The amount of leads not really a problem is you have remove the honeypots and bad emails from it. Also..depends on the sender. You can make settings to randomize the sending.. or send little by little. The goal is to get results and not to spam thousands without results.

2. To get good results depends on 3 things
A. How fud is your payload to bypass runtime detections
B. How convincing is your landing page to prompt download of your file ?
C. Quality of your leads. , also note most emails you sent that has links in them are mostly blocked by the email and sometimes ends in spam.

My advice.
1. Depends the results you looking for. Let's say you need office logs.. you don't spam such high or that way.. rather target your victims.
Send a fair simple message first to attract a reply. This way if they reply to you. You have bypass the anti-spam shit.. then you can reply back with your message with link. Though am no fan of spamming leads with link rather spam leads with attachment via exploits.
If you must use link to your landing then use Google traffic or any alternative traffic source to send traffic to your landing page. Not via email.
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1. My leads have been validated
2.a)exe signed with digital signature
b)very convincing I shouldnt have any issues directing traffic from letter via email spread
c)domains I have are aged since 2010 purchase some expired domains for the job (This should boost the chance of inbox for me after good letter)

What do you think ^
aziefaison сказал(а):
1. My leads have been validated
2.a)exe signed with digital signature
b)very convincing I shouldnt have any issues directing traffic from letter via email spread
c)domains I have are aged since 2010 purchase some expired domains for the job (This should boost the chance of inbox for me after good letter)

What do you think ^
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован

Your settings not bad BUT
old domain is not equals to approval of links inside email..many victims always get warning of links.
2. Your file is signed doesn't mean it will auto bypass runtime. Check first at runtime scanners..some detections comes from behaviors. So add some delay before execution.
Mostly depends on the results or targets, different approach to different victims
Cplusplus сказал(а):
Your settings not bad BUT
old domain is not equals to approval of links inside email..many victims always get warning of links.
2. Your file is signed doesn't mean it will auto bypass runtime. Check first at runtime scanners..some detections comes from behaviors. So add some delay before execution.
Mostly depends on the results or targets, different approach to different victims

1.I have 50 aged domains my object is to minimize about 300 emails to each domain with redirects to landing page antibot
3. I will minimize each letter to 1k
2.Victim targets (Spectrum rr)

Thanks for response this information will very much is valuable to me that you given
Hi! My question is how do I script my email to bypass anti-spam and scam tabs, which is the most important thing for me. I have already used services for crypting my email, but it didn't lead to anything, the email was just not sent to spam or inbox.
wor_kk сказал(а):
Hi! My question is how do I script my email to bypass anti-spam and scam tabs, which is the most important thing for me. I have already used services for crypting my email, but it didn't lead to anything, the email was just not sent to spam or inbox.

encrypt your subject and sender name to UTF