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Фрод при заливе видео как обойти?Carding my experience


Midle Weight
This short post is primary for novices which start with carding
very basic information nothing special ,some information is not true

Q:/ Why my cards not work they re dead ?
A:/ Common problem from my experience is on your setting

Q:/ How i recognize bad setting ?
A:/ go on duckduckgo and write "dns leak test" "anti fraud score check" "browserleaks" "leaking ipv6" and you get many websites which provide this type test

Q:/ How i recognize what is bad and what good ?
A:/dns leak must from isp provider ( for example you have comcast cable isp and you leak dns from other state or from another isp,simply its weird and payment not works )
anti fraud score check it must move on 0-20 better can be usable 20-40 but its biggest chance to canceled your order
webRTC you can disable but this doesn't do any normal customer,also ip adress must be match so its mean public and webRTC must be same
when its not same,payment process will be know you use socks5 or you try change your identity,common problem for canceled order
also from my experience its not possible change webRTC to some ip adress which you want i was use for it linkensphere and its not work,its just disabled
all webRTC

Q:/ What is dangerous for me ?
A:/ its is javascript which can show your home ip adress when you re connected on vpn
also be sure you use recommends vpn for carding/frauding like ( expressvpn,ipvanish )
don't forget windows collecting information about you

Q:/ What i can do with it ?
A:/ from my experience i can recommend start use linux its not matter which os you more like,but when you re beginner stay focused on debians

Q:/ So how i can do carding safety with maximal success ?
A:/ use real hacked rdp and you don't need any socks5/proxy and your webRTC will be same like your public ip
also i connect on rdp from linux download program which calls remmina connect over vpn---tor---> to max security
"sudo apt install remmina"
"proxychains remmina"

Biggest problem which i see on famous market is vendors primary sell virtual machines rdp and on its not possible do carding

Q:/ Why its not possible do carding on vm rdp ?
A:/ maybe few years ago its was work but now sites which you try card can see how much ram you have and when your size is for example 1GB its weird,because almost every physical pc have more than 4GB
also its more complicated and i dont understand it to explain,but from my experience any card not work on vm rdp,never

Q:/ Carding on socks5
A:/ yea you can buy literally just spotify and when you try order gift cards,your order will be canceled
i was use luxurysocks so i know what i am talking about,also when you don't want listen me or trust,never buy 911.re they all have literally high anti fraud score

Q:/ i need on site some specific bin or method
A:/ every site is cardable some its more hard than others and some re more easy,also i think some specific bin can give you better chance to complete your order
but i primary use just non-vbv bins and i don't take care about specific

Q:/ so where is almost everytime problem ?
A:/ problem is not card but in your setting,also some beginners want everything fast as its possible without learning

Q:/ how difficult is card gift cards ?
A:/ be honest its really hard,focus on small sites when you want better odds

Q:/ how difficult is card bitcoin ?
A:/ for me hard like card gift card,but for carding crypto you need make fake digital documents and verify account, now i talk about KYC

Q:/ what else i can card and have profit from it ?
A:/ i am not sure,its about your creativity,i was buy many times currencies on game and just flex with my strong account on middle city

Q:/ physical carding ?
A:/ again i am not sure because i never do physical carding for me its risky and i dont want receive any carder item to my home adress

Q:/ carding on mobile ?
A:/ i was try it and its works so when your payments never works,you can try it
but i don't recommend it,because your security is bad,you need use pre-paid local sim cart,because when you use socks5 again problem with webRTC
also i am not experienced carding on mobile
but i think its better use android than ios,maybe its not matter but have rooted phone or jailbreak
also this not give you any better security,when you want take carding seriosuly,forget on carding on mobile

Q:/ so what you recommend ?
A:/ hack real hacked rdp,its fix almost every problems,which you have

Q:/ how hack real hacked rdp ?
A:/ fud malware and perfect sharing method,simplest target re kids,

Q:/ how test card or my setting ?
A:/ all time i use for checker cc spotify,because trial version doesn't charge any money from card,after one moths its charge 12$ i think
i was write on my last post how i do checking my setting and its simple method
create gmail its must work without sms verification,when its want sms,something its bad
can be use facebook when you have bad setting they immediately blocked your account for 30 days
also i more trust method with gmail

Q:/ where study and find materials ?
A:/ on dread i was found a most interesting reading about carding/frauding ,you move read all /d/carding and /d/Fraud

Q:/ what about clearnet forums and carding sites/groups
A:/ simply i dont trust they,because many methods re copied from dread and on this site you dont find any good info

Q:/ other ways how learn ?
A:/ after you read and you start understand basic problems,you start practical lesson with your cc

Q:/ How don't be scammed
A:/its very hard to say because you don't see on begin scammers but people which want help you and sell best card
so you can get sometimes messages on fresh accounts on dread which try move you telegram/wicker me and finished deal here
for me its big red flag,like 2 hours old account,hah,simply don't trust anyone

Q:/ Can i use genesis.market to make money ?
A:/ Yes but not when you re beginner,because its there big chance to be blocked with 2FA or OTP when you try withdraw money
its not hard get into account on which you have cookies
another story is move or withdraw money

Also you can have luck and any 2FA or OTP doesn't be here,but i am not sure because i think almost every bank and accounts where re money is sending OTP
When you know which sites doesn't send verification sms,you re lucky man
and my last info about genesis.market for me its like hazard,because you cannot never know,its there really money or just some kiddo create this account
yes its true you can see which specific site logs have but you can just thinking and never be sure its on this account really some money

Q:/ How make digital documents ?
A:/ you need psd template and installed photoshop and know how original looks,when you have patience about one week you can make solid documents
also in usa don't forget on pdf417 barcode with is on back site of driver licence,use good surface and add legit shadows,this is primary is key to look it okay
also make digital documents is for me on difficult easy-medium

for example some states in usa,have simplest driver licence than others

Q:/ What do when i start make fake documents
A:/ i think first encrypt your pc,because its can be bigger problem when somebody find this in your pc
some Linux offer you encrypt your hardisk on installation ( kali,parrot,linux-mint )
on windows use vera crypt/bitdeffender ( in this case i am not sure because i am primary of linux )

Q:/ Which programs you recommend me ?
A:/ like everybody i can tell you on windows download bleachbit/ccleaner/proxifier/tmac changer ( dont forget set ccleaner most deep cleaning )
on linux download just bleachbit on some distros its preinstalled

Q:/ Which Browser ? or extension
A:/ on real hacked rdp use default browser which is installed on victim pc and don't install bleachbit/ccleaner ( simple don't change anything ) just do your job
when you want do carding on your burned laptop ( you will be don't much have success in 2021 )
but on burned pc i was use just firefox and i have experience with ugoogled chronium,on my begin i was use many extension like change-user-agent,webRTC and etc
but i think some sites can detect your extension on browser ( its not 100% valid info,but i was read it on dread and i think too when you use native browser more success )

Q:/ On what i must prepare and how much money i need ?
A:/ i don't walk talk for everyone but its better when you re ready,you to lost some money,because this happened me and other people when i read stories about carding,
i don't want be pessimist but carding in years 2020/2021 its really different than 2016/2017 ( many anti-fraud security is better and better for us means more hard )

I don't now talk you how is carding dead because its not dead,but its more complicated and for this reason i recommend real hacked rdp ( physsical )
because many payments works without some bigger problems

also when you move more on linux,you understand you can start phish cards,accounts and more ( for example )
i am not talk its easy for novices,but when you have good database and you make smtp server which send emails to delivery and not spam,you can really get it
( i don't have experience with phishing cards or etc,but you can find tutorials many guides on duduckgo or even youtube )

somebody can tell now,people re not stupid to click on phishing links,but i think people re stupid,when you use /u/socialengineering you improve your chance to sucess

i want tell i am on begin think,its easy,just logged paypal and cashout,but after some times i was start realized its not easy how i was think on begin,
and because i need more forward and not be stucked on carding when its not work i recommend start use linux,because its can open your eyes what everything you
you can do
Приветствую в последнюю неделю ютуб начал жестко фродить, заходишь в студию начинаешь лить видео - разлогин. Бывает перед финальной публикацией видео разлогин происходит. Тоесть если раньше был простой фрод с табличкой, значит не подходит айпи. То сейчас очень много фрода в самом процессе пролива видео. Полюбому все кто заливает сталкивались с этим. Может ктото подскажет какие-то пути обходу, буду очень благодарен
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