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fingerprint issues - 2 orders BLOCKED


Midle Weight
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Hey everyone,
There's a common problem with carding/fraud and that is the shop is able to identify you, and therefore usually after the first or second order, your fingerprint/device is blocked and orders are cancelled whatever the hell you do. Anti detect browsers have been made to bypass this, but they suck ass shit and always get the account banned. There's another solution, vektor - which is a virtual anti-detect. Yes, it's good with normal shops, but with the big boys, you're fucked. They know everything.

What should we do to bypass these shops? I'm not talkin about Amazon, I'm talkin about 1 or 3billion revenue shops? Do we just buy phones and try, or what's the final solution??

This is not about using logs vs self-reg, this is fingerprint discussion. Some anti fraud systems are detecting stuff no developer is able to have it changed :S
Я могу сказать вам, что окончательным решением является использование Android или IOS, потому что нет уникального отпечатка пальца на мобильном, если только это не приложение, я предлагаю вам использовать мобильный браузер для мошенничества, лучшим на данный момент я считаю Apple, у которого нет уникального отпечатка пальца.
jolkha сказал(а):
Hey everyone,
There's a common problem with carding/fraud and that is the shop is able to identify you, and therefore usually after the first or second order, your fingerprint/device is blocked and orders are cancelled whatever the hell you do. Anti detect browsers have been made to bypass this, but they suck ass shit and always get the account banned. There's another solution, vektor - which is a virtual anti-detect. Yes, it's good with normal shops, but with the big boys, you're fucked. They know everything.

What should we do to bypass these shops? I'm not talkin about Amazon, I'm talkin about 1 or 3billion revenue shops? Do we just buy phones and try, or what's the final solution??

This is not about using logs vs self-reg, this is fingerprint discussion. Some anti fraud systems are detecting stuff no developer is able to have it changed :S

I'll help you out here with anty.dolphin.ru Best AD out for free right now. Just disable all FP parameters that are detected as fake on f.vision or https://abrahamjuliot.github.io/creepjs/ will randomize your FP and add noise to obfuscate values you must keep as real (webGL and canvas can both be real and will not comprise your device identity). If you have some capital linkensphere is the next step up. Happy cracking :p
recursion сказал(а):
I'll help you out here with anty.dolphin.ru Best AD out for free right now. Just disable all FP parameters that are detected as fake on f.vision or https://abrahamjuliot.github.io/creepjs/ will randomize your FP and add noise to obfuscate values you must keep as real (webGL and canvas can both be real and will not comprise your device identity). If you have some capital linkensphere is the next step up. Happy cracking :p

Любой браузер или метод отпечатков пальцев на ПК будет распознан
i agree with ak472010
i use iphone ,everytime i keep changing phones ,it s alot of $ in the end of month,but is the only way i found to bypass fp security,(The problem is not only fp detection ...) ALso Very important is fresh IP ,they have huges bases to check now . Finally the worst thing ever ,this make me crazy,The Fuckin internet conexion Man ,i dont know how the fuck its leaked somewhere but damn it blow everything,i think those plugin - software leaking .so i put device +vpn between my phone and router ,take dns from host of ip and you good to go,like this you unstoppable like me PS pm if you want book hotels/flights without cancellation or anyproblems.