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Facebook Email OSINT

Try searching rocketreach.co using the FB link
Otherwise, try email guessing tools with the full name retrieved from the Facebook page and then the recovery page to check if the email address is associated with the account on the website

Not the easiest stuff, so not sure there will be a one-size-fits-all solution.
This is common knowledge I don't know where you are starting from, but if you have the full FB account link, enter it in <forgot password> and it should show it with asterisks.
Sometimes you have to enter the name and surname right there. That's a first step because you'll already know what the email provider is and the first and last letter as well as email length.
In some cases, it will show <try another way> and there you will see the mobile number(s) linked to the account.
With that information you can start looking for a match in the many FB leaks. Also, with the facebook id, in some you can find the emails, in others the mobile numbers, etc. Sometimes it gives good results.