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Discord bot and telegram bot


Midle Weight
Please i need a recommendation of a bot or how to make a bot or who makes a bot
That can send mass dm in discord and telegram

All recommendations are appreciated
Here is an example of a bot that sending messages to users in a telegram with phyton

Скопировать в буфер обмена
import telegram

bot = telegram.Bot(token='YOUR_TOKEN')
user_ids = ['123456', '7891011', '12131415']

for user_id in user_ids:
bot.send_message(chat_id=user_id, text="Hello, I'm your bot!")
print(f"Message sent to user {user_id}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error sending message to user {user_id}: {e}")
As another solution you can use something like TDLib to make a robotic client.
I prefer Kotlin, so made a small example with this lib https://github.com/KurenaiRyu/tdlight-sdk (This is just for example of using similar clients, not my recommendation)

Скопировать в буфер обмена
import io.github.kurenairyu.tdlight.Client
import io.github.kurenairyu.tdlight.exception.ClientException
import io.github.kurenairyu.tdlight.handler.UpdateHandler
import io.github.kurenairyu.tdlight.util.ResultHandler
import io.github.kurenairyu.tdlight.util.TelegramObject
import io.github.kurenairyu.tdlight.util.TdApi

class Bot(token: String = "YOUR_TOKEN") {

private val client = Client.create(token)

fun init() {

fun sendDirectMessagesToFriends(message: String) {
client.send(TdApi.GetContacts(), object : ResultHandler {
override fun onResult(obj: TelegramObject) {
if (obj is TdApi.Users) {
obj.users.filterIsInstance<TdApi.User>().forEach { user ->
if (user.type.constructor == TdApi.UserTypeBot.CONSTRUCTOR) {
//Ignore bots
client.send(TdApi.SendMessage(user.id, 0, false, false, null, TdApi.InputMessageText(TdApi.FormattedText(message, null), false, true)))
Bella сказал(а):
Please i need a recommendation of a bot or how to make a bot or who makes a bot
That can send mass dm in discord and telegram

All recommendations are appreciated
