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Cashing out Bank Logs


Midle Weight
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Hello everyone, as you know this topic is extremely private and no one teaches it. The logs are available, but the exact knowledge is vague.
My question, how do we learn it? Test and trial can cost us a fortune to do, since easily a normal log can cost 300$+, and burning it would set us back weeks back.

Is there anyone trusted here willing to teach it for a fee? Thanks
Or give advice how did you learn it?

Всем привет, как вы знаете, эта тема чрезвычайно закрыта, и ее никто не преподает. Журналы доступны, но точные знания расплывчаты.
Мой вопрос: как нам этому научиться? Тестирование и пробная версия могут стоить нам целого состояния, так как обычный журнал может стоить 300 долларов+, и его сжигание отбросит нас на несколько недель назад.

Есть ли здесь кто-нибудь, кому доверяют, кто готов преподавать это за плату? Спасибо
Или дайте совет, как вы этому научились?
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Buy Banker bot (Windows & Android ) + Good Traffic , Get your own loga and try till you get sucess
venkat сказал(а):
Buy Banker bot (Windows & Android ) + Good Traffic , Get your own loga and try till you get sucess
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I love the simplicity of that We know this would require big initial investment, for the bot and for the actual US traffic.

Мне нравится простота этого Мы знаем, что это потребует больших первоначальных инвестиций для бота и для фактического трафика в США.
venkat сказал(а):
Buy Banker bot (Windows & Android ) + Good Traffic , Get your own loga and try till you get sucess
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this is good strategy but can go downhill pretty fast even if only one or two things go wrong
Eternalp сказал(а):
this is good strategy but can go downhill pretty fast even if only one or two things go wrong
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Not many problem , cookies grabber and browser fingerprinting will also be on bot , maybe drop bank accounts and transfer limits are the problem , FUD maybe the problem
venkat сказал(а):
Not many problem , cookies grabber and browser fingerprinting will also be on bot , maybe drop bank accounts and transfer limits are the problem , FUD maybe the problem
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I think that's the main issue. Not the quality of bank logs, but not using them correctly.
venkat сказал(а):
Not many problem , cookies grabber and browser fingerprinting will also be on bot , maybe drop bank accounts and transfer limits are the problem , FUD maybe the problem
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It will have razor thin profit margins due to them buying one or both the aspects of the strategy you recommended even two consecutive loses could easily take the operation down but none the less it is a good strategy i would recommend myself
jolkha сказал(а):
Hello everyone, as you know this topic is extremely private and no one teaches it. The logs are available, but the exact knowledge is vague.
My question, how do we learn it? Test and trial can cost us a fortune to do, since easily a normal log can cost 300$+, and burning it would set us back weeks back.

Is there anyone trusted here willing to teach it for a fee? Thanks
Or give advice how did you learn it?

Всем привет, как вы знаете, эта тема чрезвычайно закрыта, и ее никто не преподает. Журналы доступны, но точные знания расплывчаты.
Мой вопрос: как нам этому научиться? Тестирование и пробная версия могут стоить нам целого состояния, так как обычный журнал может стоить 300 долларов+, и его сжигание отбросит нас на несколько недель назад.

Есть ли здесь кто-нибудь, кому доверяют, кто готов преподавать это за плату? Спасибо
Или дайте совет, как вы этому научились?
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all depends on your end goal and the amount of time willing to invest and how patient you are for payout there are so many ways to cash out any bank but they usually are different per bank. your welcome to message me. and if you are based in USA maybe can work something i have
bigmoney916 сказал(а):
all depends on your end goal and the amount of time willing to invest and how patient you are for payout there are so many ways to cash out any bank but they usually are different per bank. your welcome to message me. and if you are based in USA maybe can work something i have
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Thanks for sharing your knowledge with someone on this forum many people put a lock on this type of knowledge and often teach the wrong thing
Lanted сказал(а):
Заходишь в банк, отправляешь на свой выводной счёт, где, желательно, есть вцц, и после прихода бабок отдаешь её обналу, вот так всё просто.
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а как насчет номеров, прикрепленных к журналу? как насчет того, чтобы владелец банка получал уведомления? а как насчет того, чтобы банк заморозил счет? как насчет, как насчет, как насчет
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i would suggest you learn sim swap or port if you are serious about making money from it. its not a requirement but makes things easier. without your basically best to intiate ach transfers most likely ach pull and then its 50/50 on if it goes through or not just pretty much best to do volume and some you will win some you won't. you wont be doing any wire transfers without control of the phone for sms almost gauranteed
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and to be honest when it gets into larger amounts getting the money out from the drop after is sometimes far more difficult than getting it to the drop account