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Ask me anything about spam | sms | BEC | cc phishing | methods | Drainer | Stealer

SAMORD сказал(а):
can you please guide me through the beginning of spamming and O.365.
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write to me in tg @drainery
Str0ng сказал(а):
what file format can I use for spear pishing, other than office, iso, zip or pdf?
I managed to infect someone with a docm file, but most macros are detected by the antivirus.
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the answer is very complex and needs you to check the malware section in the forum for further details.
Vodkaland сказал(а):
actual email spoofing method for single targets?
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looking for any service that offers you randomly the option to send a custom email that you can modify it to an email address is good , they will use their own smtp and server ip and their reputation and one spoofed email will go through. even it has a very spammy name or subject or content , the fact you dont spam the same email to other users , will help.
what SMTPs to use for sending inbox to gmx.de , web.de and bluewin.ch email providers? soft : Gammadyne / AMS . Letter html + Link