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  1. R

    how to import cookies?

    Have you tried: EditThisCookie (for Chrome) Cookie Quick Manager (for Firefox) Also, check that your browser is not blocking third-party cookies or has any privacy settings that might prevent cookies from being imported.
  2. R

    how to import cookies?

    Have you tried: EditThisCookie (for Chrome) Cookie Quick Manager (for Firefox) Also, check that your browser is not blocking third-party cookies or has any privacy settings that might prevent cookies from being imported.
  3. R

    Use tor the right way.

    Yes I know Tor can be slow especially if you let only few countries to work with, would be nice to add LOT of extra nodes worldwide under some privacy laws where this word has a signification (Iceland, Switzerland, Sweden...) I believe there should be more alternatives to Tor where his...
  4. R

    Use tor the right way.

    You would be comfortable to work with that small excluded nodes list? Also, why exclude by+ru?
  5. R

    Операция Европола Endgame против IcedID, SystemBC, Pikabot, Smokeloader: 3 ареста на Украине и 1 в Армении

    Now prepare your popcorn and look which countries will sell their citizens to be extradited for fucked up sentences in the US for cyber crimes... I am keeping an eye to see if Armenia will give their guy...
  6. R

    icq 1996-2024

    RIP - Good memories...
  7. R

    a.k.a Ассанж

    175 years for someone who just leaked the truth is complete non-sense. Countries who allows the extradition of their citizens to the US DOJ and Prison system should be accountable to human torture.
  8. R

    SMB -> RDP

    To enable RDP from a command line via SMB access: 1- reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TermService /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000003 /f 2- net start termservice
  9. R

    Полиция США потребовала от Google идентифицировать пользователей, смотревших определённые видео на YouTube

    And again, we see the Americans pieces of sh!t to breach the privacy laws without reasonable justifications...
  10. R

    Белый дом призывает отказаться от языков программирования C и C++

    Yes Mr. Biden, bring more programs coded in Java so we can do more Java Deserialization and obtain RCE
  11. R

    Власти Британии вскрыли «чемоданную» схему вывоза бабок в Дубай

    "sprayed with coffee or air fresheners" and ofc no legit papers for having these amount of money... not very pro...
  12. R

    Деанон Российских Киберпреступников

    If Brian Krebs receives a gift of a first-class airplane ticket to Moscow for business, would he come to RU? )))
  13. R

    Tether готова работать со всеми спецслужбами

    The Yankees again with their threats "cooperate or we shut you down". Good thing we have communities in the cyber space who stands with principles *Monero*
  14. R

    Binance ждет неизбежное банкротство

    Джон Рид Старк? Это какой именно? Может не Рид, а Рикард? Который "Лорд Ри́кард Старк — лорд Винтерфелла и Хранитель Севера во времена правления Эйриса II Таргариена" Или "Джон Старк — король Севера из дома Старков", или который "Джон Рид — единственный сын Хоуленда Рида, младший брат Миры Рид...
  15. R

    Binance ждет неизбежное банкротство

    ну слухи на пустом месте не возникают, пиар конечно самая реальная версия, но обвалы пендоских банков ставят под сомнения стабильность любой компании