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  1. E

    В Украине арестовали крупную группировку вымогателей

    Sorry its my fault. I don't paid the needed attention and just had seen the first link.
  2. E

    В Украине арестовали крупную группировку вымогателей

    The Ukraine National Police do not publish their things in some website like DOJ?
  3. E

    В Украине арестовали крупную группировку вымогателей

    Sorry its my fault. I don't paid the needed attention and just had seen the first link.
  4. E

    В Украине арестовали крупную группировку вымогателей

    The Ukraine National Police do not publish their things in some website like DOJ?
  5. E

    Нужен криптор

    а какая сейчас есть последняя крякнутая версия? Я нашел только 4.0 2020 года
  6. E

    WinApi learning

    i did and i donwload all of'em but i found that thy were in russian language...
  7. E

    Tools in case of internet isolation

    There is also another offline messenger for Internet lockdown called Briar -
  8. E

    Tools in case of internet isolation

    Let me add this one. gsocket:
  9. E

    Язык программирования для вирусов

    Смотря под какие нужды, для линуха скриптовые (питон, баш, етс), под андроид java\kotlin, под винду почти все подходят, от скриптовых ( powershell, vbs, етс), до компилируемых (c++, rust, C#. етс), сначала определись какую малварь хочешь писать и под какие ОС, делай выводы исходя от этого.
  10. E

    [Sharing] Quick Secure Upload Methods

    This is a simple way to upload a collection of files, for this example I will use, but its easy to change the script to use any other service. The following snippet as /usr/bin/upload and give it permission to execute eg: "chmod +x /usr/bin/upload" Bash: Скопировать в...
  11. E

    Анонимность, безопасность TOR (общая тема)

    Even that the question is closed, I think it can be useful for other people, its almost always possible to use bridges to fool the provider and other kinds of restrictive environments. The page about bridges is a good reading:
  12. E

    Darkweb Hosting

    For this you can proceed in the way I said before, take a look on how to install apache webserver, the details can change depending of linux distro you are using. Once you got apache running you will alread have a static website running (apache default page) which usally resides at...
  13. E

    Darkweb Hosting

    Can you give more information on which kind of site you want to setup? It will matter, for a simple blog with static files you can find free places to host your content, but if you want to make a site to provide some kind of service it will also depend upon the service being illegal in some...
  14. E

    Experience of Carder

    Hello Backstab , I have a starter question, considering your other article and also this one. How many USD you think is enough to start operating?
  15. E

    Как продлить срок службы домена?

    This is an interesting point, I never used other than lets encrypt. Dont even tried to search, can you point some that works fine?
  16. E

    Where to rent C2 server?

    I recommend BEARHOST service, you can check by his own thread on prices and feedbacks, me and all people that I know which get a server from him are satisfied. edit: ofc you got the server, but will need to install cobalt and configure it.
  17. E

    Как продлить срок службы домена?

    I do not run phishing pages, but there is a thing you always should consider, it is the REGISTAR which controls the TLD you choosed, I not an experted on this topic too, but you can can see some things after some news, take for example the domains used by Z-Library, which FBI tried to take over...