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  1. V

    spreading for fake crypto exchange

    Цена avg. 10-90/per victim Контакты @maldocx You are paid 80% of all payments that come in from your spreading. We run a fake crypto exchange. You are provided with a custom username:password and your job is to spread it so that people login and steal the fake funds in the account. After users...
  2. V

    FLOOD KILLA BOMBER(Phone and Mail)

    is service down? I am getting "page expired" error
  3. V


    most likely they didn't sign the transaction. if your drainer has worked successfully in the past and nothing has been changed in the code since, then it sounds like the user was privy to what was happening
  4. V

    Нужна Фиш услуга

    that would be a somewhat complex structure to setup. the only way i could imagine is to set it up so that once card data is retrieved, it would initiate a payment with a payment processor such as square or stripe. it would have to be setup as a business account and run the card like a...
  5. V

    У кого-то воровали usdt?

    это крайне маловероятно ,если бы так просто можно было сбрутить сид фразу ,никто бы не пользовался usdt
  6. V

    Социальная инженерия на сайтах знакомств

    be the girl that they want to have, then the person that they need in their life
  7. V

    Социальная инженерия на сайтах знакомств

    be the girl that they want to have, then the person that they need in their life
  8. V

    В Нью-Йорке за месяц кардеры обокрали 18 тысяч человек

    that's right. in NYC hotspots like times square or chinatown, 18k tracks from maybe 2-3 ATMs could take a day or two of waiting.
  9. V


    here is the new evilginx3 phishlet format. to redirect to youtube after session capture, just change the "redirect_url". as for why your IP is being banned instantly, your domain and/or hosting provider is on the spamhaus' blacklist.
  10. V

    Нужно помощь соц инженеров

    do recon and figure out a valid reason that would require him to download a file. lead him to malware, such as hidden vnc.
  11. V

    Пожалуйста, помогите мне с моей настройкой

    you do not need antidetect. the last version of it is many years old and i personally don't find it useful. your setup is basic and could be expanded, but is sufficient assuming your socks5 is non logging. the goal is to appear like the card holder while having an extremely hard-to-prove gap...
  12. V

    Нужна помощь профи , перехват смс

    it's not possible without very high level access or having very specialized equipment and being within range of the phone using the number and also knowing sensitive information that you typically cannot get without physical access to the phone itself such as to facilitate decryption of any...
  13. V

    Привлечет ли внимание вывод 2-3млн руб в день на карту Тинькофф?

    Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован Это может для регионов РФ много, для штатов например это копейки. В нашем мухосранске чтобы более менее жить чуть выше уровня "днище полное" надо 15-20к в месяц, вот и думайте какого масштаба темы или бизнес нам тут нужно искать.
  14. V

    how to send EXE by mail

    send js attachment that builds the exe from base64 and have it write the file to disc and run it.
  15. V

    Администратор BreachForum оказался извращенцем

    "Pompompurin pleaded guilty after the FBI amassed evidence came including the discovery of videos on his laptop that depict sexually explicit conduct by prepubescent minors and children below the age of 12", (sourced from another article). it seems these charges are very real. in the states...
  16. V

    I want a drainer HELP

    look around xss, there are plenty of drainers that have gotten leaked like the elon drainer, which even dropped with a spoon fed manual of how to set it up.
  17. V

    Initial access

    i would recommend you look into detailed papers that analyze ransomware groups initial access as most typically gain their foothold by spearphishing. those papers typically show decent examples of the emails or sms' that was used, along with whatever first stage malware they dropped.
  18. V

    Help with redeeming stolen crypto - Email phishing scam!

    it's lost. no one can help you recover it and anyone offering to do so is just trying to squeeze you for more money. consider it payment for a valuable lesson.
  19. V

    Run the JS from button, like it would be in a bookmark.

    you can't redirect them to raw javascript, otherwise you would be seeing browser malware left and right and would make the sandboxing pointless. your best option is to social engineer them with a landing page into dragging your code into their bookmark tab and then running it from there if they...
  20. V

    (doubt) - How deep web market phishing scams works?

    if you know what you're replacing, like a bitcoin address, then then you just curl the website then run it through regex for replacing text. very simple stuff.