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Знаете, что случилось с Syniverse?

knockinon2 сказал(а):
Знаете, что случилось с Syniverse?
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The recent Syniverse outage reaked havoc on global communication, and while they blame a simple config error at a peering partner, the scent of a more elaborate attack lingers. Here's why:
The Telltale Signs of a Traffic Flood: The outage smacked of a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack, specifically a variant known as a traffic injection attack. In these attacks malicious actors unleash a torrent of bogus traffic towards a target network, overwhelming its capacity and bringing everything to a screeching halt.
Syniverse's issue had all the hallmarks: a sudden, massive surge in traffic. It's possible the compromised peering partner unwittingly transformed into a weaponized bot, spewing gibberish messages (invalid signaling data) into Syniverse's network. This digital deluge would have overloaded the system, triggering the widespread outage.