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What's open redirect and how does it work in spamming trick


Midle Weight
Hello Fam, i am very sorry my linux was crashed. happy new year this is my first post 2024.

An open redirect is a web security vulnerability that occurs when a web application allows users to redirect to external URLs without proper validation or sanitization. This vulnerability can be exploited by attackers to craft malicious URLs that redirect users to a different, potentially harmful, website.

Here's how open redirects typically work:

User Input : The web application takes a user-provided input, such as a URL, as a parameter in a redirect request.
Lack of Validation : The application fails to properly validate or sanitize the user-provided input. This means that the application does not check whether the provided URL is a valid and safe destination.
Redirection : The application performs a redirect to the URL specified by the user input.
Exploitation: An attacker takes advantage of this lack of validation by crafting a malicious URL that points to a harmful website. The attacker may use techniques such as URL encoding to obfuscate the malicious intent.
User Interaction : When a user clicks on the crafted URL, they are redirected to the malicious website, and this can lead to various attacks, such as phishing, session theft, or the delivery of malicious content.

Identifying open redirect vulnerabilities, especially with subdomains, typically involves a combination of manual testing and automated tools. Here are steps you can take to find open redirects with subdomains:

Identify Input Points : Identify places in the web application where user input is accepted and used in a redirect. This could be in parameters of URL query strings, form fields, or any other input mechanisms.
Test with Trusted URLs : Initially, test the redirect functionality with trusted URLs. Ensure that the application redirects as expected without any security concerns.
Craft Malicious URLs : Try crafting URLs with different subdomains and observe the
behavior Example
bing.com it's has open redirect vulnerability on it has not fix yet
open redirect from bing to spammer link to bypass anti-spam bot, smtp anti-bot, spam filter anti-bot, isp anti-bot etc

4. Check Subdomains : Test various subdomains in the redirect parameter to see if the application allows redirects to external subdomains. This includes both legitimate and potentially malicious subdomains.
5. Use Automated Tools : There are various automated tools available that can help in identifying open redirect vulnerabilities. Tools like OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite, or specialized vulnerability scanners may include checks for open redirects. Configure these tools to test subdomains in the redirect parameters.
6. Review Source Code : If you have access to the application's source code, review how the redirect functionality is implemented. Ensure that proper validation is done on user-provided input, and consider using a whitelist of allowed domains.

How does help spammer's ?
it help spammer to bypass thousands of Webroot bots that detect malicious links and as a spammer you need to know your enemies during your phishing mass-mailing
Anti-spam isp bot
Smtp anti-spam bot
Brave bot scanning
Webroot bot
Google safe-browsing
Email spam filter bot
Vps anti-spam bot detector.
Victims hardware antivirus detection
To beat all this bots and get successfully inbox deliverability and bypass browsers Web root scan, you need to make your script scam page to obfuscation and setup open redirect fudlink!
if you dot have web hacking skill to pen test subdomain to find open redirect there many valid open redirect bot that help you make your scam script link fud and bypass fake user by bots and allow real user to visit your target links.

Happy phishing and hacking fam!
i am sorry if i didn't complete the tut and add resources is all about security and careful for public.