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|вопрос| Взламывайте компьютеры для майнинга криптографии вопрос ?


Midle Weight
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован
Привет всем в начале я хочу сказать, что я использую перевод, это причина, почему иногда это не делает sence
*Сколько персональных/игровых компьютеров я должен заразить бэкдором, чтобы получить от майнинга 40$ в день?
Как вы думаете, это более 50-150 ПК?

*Какая криптовалюта лучше всего подходит для майнинга? LTC,XMR?

Hello everyone on the begin I want say I use translate that's be reason why sometimes its not make sense
*How many personal/gaming computers I must infected with backdoor to get from mining 40$ per day ?
do you think its over 50-150 PC ?

*Which crypto is best for mining ? LTC,XMR ?

I be reply on all question from You
Thanks so much for you time and be safe
depends on what kind of mining you mean, if you gotta be silent then I highly doubt 150 PC will be enough for you to earn 40$ a day. you are gonna need a lot of infected computers probably around a thousand if mining is as profitable as it was when I used to do it a couple years ago.
I don't know about LTC mining but XMR mining is really bad regarding profitability, the only thing it has going for it is that it's really secure and anonnymous, meaning you won't need to exchange your funds into an anonymous crypto before cashing them out, but that's it.
XMR mining isn't consistent, a lot of it is based on luck so I would not advise that if you are looking for consistent profits over time, look into ETH
Nailpower сказал(а):
depends on what kind of mining you mean, if you gotta be silent then I highly doubt 150 PC will be enough for you to earn 40$ a day. you are gonna need a lot of infected computers probably around a thousand if mining is as profitable as it was when I used to do it a couple years ago.
I don't know about LTC mining but XMR mining is really bad regarding profitability, the only thing it has going for it is that it's really secure and anonnymous, meaning you won't need to exchange your funds into an anonymous crypto before cashing them out, but that's it.
XMR mining isn't consistent, a lot of it is based on luck so I would not advise that if you are looking for consistent profits over time, look into ETH
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован

Thanks man I appreciate your experience