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Нужна помощь профи , перехват смс


Light Weight
Нужна помощь профессионала или команды профессионалов, нужен перехват смс определенных номеров, гео ЕС , АЗИЯ , ОАЭ .
Подробности при личном диалоге.
Если нужен гарант без проблем.
Подтверждение наших серьезных намерений? Пожалуйста
Просьба скам-героям не беспокоить.

Всем удачи и профита!
it's not possible without very high level access or having very specialized equipment and being within range of the phone using the number and also knowing sensitive information that you typically cannot get without physical access to the phone itself such as to facilitate decryption of any captured data.

there is a reason why sms is used as a secure 2fa token. if it were easier it would have been exploited a long time ago
vei сказал(а):
it's not possible without very high level access or having very specialized equipment and being within range of the phone using the number and also knowing sensitive information that you typically cannot get without physical access to the phone itself such as to facilitate decryption of any captured data.

there is a reason why sms is used as a secure 2fa token. if it were easier it would have been exploited a long time ago

Я думаю, он не говорит, как именно он получит доступ к SMS, я полагаю, что на смартфоне жертвы установлено какое-то приложение, я его сделал, и оно работает очень хорошо.