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Need help, buying homoglyph domains


Light Weight
Hello I have a problem about homoglyph domain when buying it on https://www.namecheap.com, I got this error :

Parameter value policy error, with processor code '2306' and reason 'IDN commingles multiple scripts'

I already tryied to change the IDN language before buying the domain but no success order is declined.

I want to know if someone had this issue and how to solve it
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что пользователь заблокирован
mixing languages is not possible. use the same language from start to finish. This is a 2 second google search, try harder and apply more effort in future endeveavors

for the smoothbrain gentleman setting up homoglyph attacks in 2022 is a homo move, fyi. all modern browsers, and hundreds of thousands of tools and scripts constantly looking will betray you. And change your name because its a meme now.

If your goal ( which it is ) is to pursue an image of what you think a "hacker" is so you can impress yourself or roleplay to others you may know then you should stop now. Thats gay. People that make their livings from these things all have their own motivations and reasons and none of them having anything to do with some childish self image, or looking cool or giving a fuck about anything along those lines when it comes to work.

You created your little hacker name, you read some outdated articles and you displayed to everyone that you failed to negotiate the very first 2 second issue you ran into even with the detailed error message... Go back to your job, or school or whatever you were doing. Critical thinking ability is not optional. If anyone has a problem with what ive said to this user then I urge you to look around at every other forum and what happens when these people are not told the truth, that theyre not welcome here. People say "dont be rude, be nice" since 2008 and look at the state of things.
Последнее редактирование: 17.07.2022
ghostmarket09 сказал(а):
mixing languages is not possible. use the same language from start to finish. This is a 2 second google search, try harder and apply more effort in future endeveavors

for the smoothbrain gentleman setting up homoglyph attacks in 2022 is a homo move, fyi. all modern browsers, and hundreds of thousands of tools and scripts constantly looking will betray you. And change your name because its a meme now.

If your goal ( which it is ) is to pursue an image of what you think a "hacker" is so you can impress yourself or roleplay to others you may know then you should stop now. Thats gay. People that make their livings from these things all have their own motivations and reasons and none of them having anything to do with some childish self image, or looking cool or giving a fuck about anything along those lines when it comes to work.

You created your little hacker name, you read some outdated articles and you displayed to everyone that you failed to negotiate the very first 2 second issue you ran into even with the detailed error message... Go back to your job, or school or whatever you were doing. Critical thinking ability is not optional. If anyone has a problem with what ive said to this user then I urge you to look around at every other forum and what happens when these people are not told the truth, that theyre not welcome here. People say "dont be rude, be nice" since 2008 and look at the state of things.
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I dont know why are you so mad but ok I understand and you've got banned right after this direspect btw.