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Mask Phishing URL's


Midle Weight
There are a few great ways to obfuscate url's, one of my favourite is using unicode (see here for an interesting write-up):

Phishing with Unicode Domains - Xudong Zheng
Vulnerability in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera makes users susceptible to phishing with Unicode domains

The masking method I am going to link to today is a bash script to hide phishing URL under a normal looking URL (google.com or facebook.com). Useful if you don't plan on buying a domain. Here is the GitHub page and the Kali article:

GitHub - jaykali/maskphish: Introducing "URL Making Technology" to the world for the very FIRST TIME. Give a Mask to Phishing URL like a PRO.. A MUST have tool for Phishing.
Introducing "URL Making Technology" to the world for the very FIRST TIME. Give a Mask to Phishing URL like a PRO.. A MUST have tool for Phishing. - jaykali/maskphish

How to Hide a Phishing Link
Nowadays people are smart enough. They don't get trapped under phishing. Because the link does not look like the original website.


Есть несколько отличных способов запутать URL-адреса, один из моих любимых - использование юникода (смотрите Здесь интересную статью):

Phishing with Unicode Domains - Xudong Zheng
Vulnerability in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera makes users susceptible to phishing with Unicode domains

Метод маскировки, на который я собираюсь сослаться сегодня, - это скрипт bash для скрытия фишингового URL-адреса под обычным URL-адресом (google.com или facebook.com ). Полезно, если вы не планируете покупать домен. Вот страница GitHub и статья о Кали:

GitHub - jaykali/maskphish: Introducing "URL Making Technology" to the world for the very FIRST TIME. Give a Mask to Phishing URL like a PRO.. A MUST have tool for Phishing.
Introducing "URL Making Technology" to the world for the very FIRST TIME. Give a Mask to Phishing URL like a PRO.. A MUST have tool for Phishing. - jaykali/maskphish

How to Hide a Phishing Link
Nowadays people are smart enough. They don't get trapped under phishing. Because the link does not look like the original website.