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Initial access


Light Weight
Hello all.

Does anybody have any resources regarding malicious actors gaining initial access through the use of phishing? Interested in resources that analyse spear phishing techniques and or general phishing.

Any links to incident reports relevant to the topic at hand are also welcome.
i would recommend you look into detailed papers that analyze ransomware groups initial access as most typically gain their foothold by spearphishing. those papers typically show decent examples of the emails or sms' that was used, along with whatever first stage malware they dropped.
Hi, we have much more realistic and in-depth approaches to initial access. Most of what you see on threat intel and such is already burned. Good techniques do not stay fresh when exposed for long. Feel free to DM or Tox if you want more info ^_^
You should look at the papers who talk about the initial access in a more general way instead on those who only talk about one type of initial access.
I think is more useful to really understand it because you have the entire landscape.
And of course, look always for the fresh ones, because yeah, they get burned really fast.