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how to do twitter EDR's


Light Weight
(didn't mean to delete this thread)
was going to enter this into the xss comp, but my account was made after it started : (

to start with off you will need a government (police) law enforcement email, any local police department will work the part that they check is if it's a .gov and is that the domain leads to a police department website. i have used .gov.in, .gov.br they all work if they match the requirements

you can buy ones that will work from me on telegram @bankrolrich

so lets go and submit our request here

enter what ever name is on the email address, pro tip change it if you can to "legal" to make it seem more legit.

you will get sent link, click that bitch:


This is an automated response. Please do not reply to this email as it will not be received by our system.

We have received your request to access our online legal request submission system. Please use the following unique link to log into our secure site where you will be able to submit your legal request:


click the link then select Emergence data request fill that bitch out:

use real info when it comes to the phonenumber and address they check it matches the police dept.

say that the user has kidnapped a someone or they are part of a criminal group that helps run doxbin.org and they extort children tbh idc, just make sure its a good enough story to cause a response.

now wait

you will get a reply with a email saying not enough information was supplied for them to hand over the information. this is fine this is what we want.

next part is the part people can't seem to do.
look on the social profile for mentions of other accounts on telegram,ig something that isn't on the platform you are trying to get the info from.

for example these are some someone else did for me
don't worry admins the photo of the girl is someone in the porn industry (i added the white blocks just so admins don't get mad):

fake the chat, use photoshop / inspect element. make sure it fits the original reason why you requested the info.
reply to the email they sent you about not having enough information and say its urgent and attach the fake chats logs to that email.

the email systems block attachments so you will get a reply with a file upload url
upload the images 1 by 1. twitter needs to improve the upload feature.

now just wait a couple hours and you will get sent this:
to see the info i got back from them you can unlock it here:
Problem is few companies is moving to dedicated emails for such requests and you should know them.
They are not public unfortunately.
Good work anyway.