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Hey everyone, check out this idea I had and made with Chat GPT (RAT Spreading Method)


Midle Weight
I find this funny as Hell.

I'm gonna make it so they are recorded turning their heads and I get to see them do it too LMAO.

prnt.sc/oLxEBUw6Ns5t - 1 they select the celebrity and what type of human they are (lel)

prnt.sc/mvRRMsWelUNJ - 2 a timer appears on webcam and they turn their head such lels but notice what I'm using not many people are using search:ms feature with a mounted webdav file which enables us to bypass Chrome/other browsers blocking .lnk files from being downloaded (DriveHQ recommended)

prnt.sc/pqHVz5NnMXSj - 3 so when they click that it will open the .lnk shortcut exploit disguised as an image and not rename it to .download it stays .lnk

So what do you think of this spreading method? Took me like 20 mins with Chat GPT and I'm proud of it. selfie.cam is available domain. Hope no one steals my idea lol!

celebrity.selfie.cam coming soon!