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Get target breach alerts on telegram for free.


Light Weight
Setting up alerts -
De-hashed recently added breach monitoring system for completely free of charge.
So go signup and create an account, now that you have created an account login then go to monitor settings (https://www.dehashed.com/monitor/manage/standard)

Create Notification Channel -
This is where it will send the breach notification to SMS / email
Select email and enter example@yopmail.com, yopmail has a built in RSS feed that we will be using later

Create Monitor Tasks -
Here you get the choice of what data you wanted to be alerted about if it shows up in a breach: etc username,email,phone number & name.
Fill out the targets info you want to be alerted about.

Getting altered on telegram -
Now go to the yopmail account and click the three buttons on the left navigation bar.
You will see RSS feed so click it and copy the link to the RSS feed.
Next we will need to find a telegram RSS bot: https://telegram.me/rss2tg_bot will work just fine or you can find a opensource one.
Then just open a PM with the bot and paste the yopmail link into the chat and you will get notified when de-hashed have alerted you of a new breach.

Why would someone want to do this?
Well I have a large list of targets that I don't want to keep checking daily and unlike HaveIBeenPwned this does not notify the user.
The majority of users also don't hoard databases like the rest of us so they can still be altered then find that database that de-hashed got their sweaty hands on.
Последнее редактирование: 14.10.2021