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Faceless.cc - Your Socks Service!

добавили 5к свежей юсы и 1к свежей европы
в течении следующих недель будут мелкие апдейты и апдейты тир2 стран
Option for VPN like Ethersoft, MTU control, Passive OS, native SP DNS would be cool features to offer. Also an option to buy a device, or other private options...
Было много работ технического плана
В ближайшие дни будет апдейт по USA.
HotGirl сказал(а):
Mrmurza please make comment about Krebs article about you.

Hahahaha that was one of the sloppiest, unprofessional pieces of reporting I have ever read on his blog. The article was so all over the place it almost makes you wonder if it is some kind of parody. I probably laughed harder than I had the whole week. There hasn't been an attribution this stupid and embarrassing since Troia's one for the dark overlord.
Не могу войти в уже существующий аккаунт,который не раз пополнял!
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