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Discord URI Based Exploits


Light Weight
I recently figured out how to potentially execute code on someone else's machine through discord and I figured I would semi share here since you guys are chill: So first off discord has this nice feature in which the user can send URI based links, once clicked you can interact with the victims PC. So here is a simple example of a non malicous URI which im sure most of us have seen:
Скопировать в буфер обмена
Once you paste this link into discord
it will say something like this, so this is interesting mainly because we now know that URI schemes are possible through discord. If I hit yep
then we get the simple mail window. So now what makes this better is that you can essentially take people offline by taking a windows DOS exploit and mixing it with this feature:
Скопировать в буфер обмена
Once you click this URI scheme it will give the victim a black screen of death. However discord isn't 100% incompetent
If you attempt to use the file:// uri scheme what happens is discord sanitizes it so you can't actually use it. So while doing research on this I found that discord has there on uri scheme

This will essentially launch a new discord session, so I've been playing around with this and was semi curious what would be some good malicious uses's I've also learned of a possible way to disguise URLS as other URLS so it will show up as something else and am trying to pair the two.

resource on sanitization: https://www.vdoo.com/blog/exploiting-custom-protocol-handlers-in-windows
URI Schemes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_URI_schemes
Potential Use: https://www.greyhathacker.net/?p=42
In the article on greyhathacker, the researcher uses mailto.
I dont know, maby i'm stupid but I did not find a way to use this exploit into discord because of the discord's parsing.

But I wanted to optain RCE so I figured out an other way, I hope it helps someone. And btw if someone has been able to use this teechnique https://www.greyhathacker.net/?p=42 on discord please DM me.

The way I use takes advantage of the ms-excel:// uri if excel is installed, the following example downloads and opens a excel fil from a webserver. If the file contains a working and undetected exploit (tested with macros not with DDE but feel free) then it runs it also and can be used to spawn an agent.
