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Best Spamming/Phishing Guide with Bulletproof FLUX (BPHL-SPAM)


Midle Weight
What's Phishing/Spamming?

Phishing/Spamming is a cybercrime technique where attackers attempt to deceive individuals into providing sensitive information, such as login credentials, personal details, or financial information. Phishing attacks often involve creating fake websites or messages that mimic legitimate entities to trick users. Here's a general overview of how phishing works:

Setup and Preparation:

Attackers set up a phishing campaign by creating a fake website, email, or message designed to mimic a legitimate service, organization, or individual.
Email or Message Delivery:

Phishing attacks commonly begin with an email or message sent to a large number of potential victims. This message may appear to come from a trusted source, such as a bank, social media platform, or government organization.
Social Engineering Tactics:

The phishing message often employs social engineering tactics to create a sense of urgency, fear, or curiosity. For example, it might claim that there's a security issue with the user's account or offer a special deal to entice the user to click on a link.
Fake Websites or Forms:

The phishing message contains a link that directs users to a fake website, which closely resembles the legitimate site it's impersonating. This website may include login pages, forms, or other elements designed to capture user input.
Information Capture:

When users interact with the fake website, they are prompted to enter sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, credit card details, or other personal data. Unbeknownst to the user, this information is captured by the attackers.
Credential Harvesting:

The attackers collect the entered credentials and use them to gain unauthorized access to the victim's accounts or commit identity theft.

In some cases, successful phishing attacks lead to further propagation. Attackers may use compromised accounts to send additional phishing messages to the victim's contacts, expanding the scope of the attack.
Avoiding Detection:

Phishers often use various techniques to avoid detection, such as creating multiple copies of the phishing website, frequently changing domain names, or using encryption to hide malicious content.

What's Next.
How To Became A Professional Spammer And What Tools Needed...!!

* Here is tools needed for your spamming setup but depend on what you want to spam!
1- vps host
2- scampage script
3- email sender
4- smtp
5- mask fudlink and ope redirect
6- letter encryptor
7- sms sender
8- smtp to sms or gateway api- but i recommended smtp to sms.
9- buy professional domain
10- Scampage obfucation scampage script unscape.(qbot)
11- Leads - either phone number or email
12- debounce back validate make sure you purchase with new apikey.
13- sms phone number validator
14- Telegram Bot is the best for results panel.google how to create telegram bot.
15- Leads sorted.
16- RDP with proton vpn or pia vpn
17- H-RDP Malware Rat.
18- Letter html.

* What's Is Mhe Most Common Companies Spammer/Hackers Target?

Below is most target companies:
-Office 365 script page $-link
-Telstra Business Webmail $-link
-Business target webmail script page $-link
-Netflix script page $-link
-Bank script page$- link
-Godaddy script page $-link
-Rackspace script page $-link
-Cryppto script pages $-link
-Alibaba script page $-link
-Telus $-link
-Microsoft Store $-link
-ATT $-link

#You Can Find Legitmate Programmer On Forum To Build One of the list scripts for You Or buy pre-build scripts-#..!

How to configure your host-lab you bought from bulletproof vps service. i recommended do not use WHM-cpanel.. it's easy for anti-spam forences to brute force with contents discovery tool and find your files directory, when you spam someone that has IT skills, i recommended anonymous Bulletproof VPS with open source hosting file, you can reconfigure that yourself if you know what you are doing with help of google search or you can buy pre-made host from legitmate vendor's.

Setting up a Virtual Private Server (VPS) involves several steps. Below is a general guide on how to set up a VPS host. Note that specific steps may vary depending on your VPS provider and the operating system you choose. This guide assumes you have already acquired a VPS subscription.

You need putty or wls to access your vps and configure your Host-Lab-Panel

It's good advice to check the reputation of your VPS host's IP address, especially if you're planning to use it for email services or other online activities. Services like Spamhaus maintain blacklists of IP addresses known for sending spam or engaging in malicious activities.

If you find that your VPS host's IP address is listed on a spam blacklist, it's important to take action to resolve the issue. Here's a more detailed guide on what you can do:

1. Check IP Address Reputation:
Visit the Spamhaus website or use their services to check the reputation of your VPS host's IP address: Spamhaus Blocklist Removal Center.

2. Confirm the Blacklist Status:
If your IP address is listed, carefully read the information provided to understand the reason for the listing.

3. Contact Your VPS Provider:
Open a support ticket with your VPS hosting provider.
Provide them with details about the blacklisted IP address and request assistance in resolving the issue.

4. Request an IP Address Change:
If the IP address is consistently blacklisted, you might consider requesting a new IP address from your VPS provider.

5. Improve Security:
Evaluate and improve the security of your VPS to prevent future issues.
Ensure that your server software is up to date and secure.
Implement strong authentication mechanisms.
Regularly monitor your server for suspicious activities.

6. Verify Removal from Blacklist:
After taking corrective actions, use the Spamhaus website or similar services to verify that your IP address has been removed from the blacklist.

7. Implement Best Practices:
Follow best practices for securing and maintaining your VPS to avoid future blacklisting.

8. Monitor Regularly:
Periodically check the reputation of your IP address to catch any issues early.
Remember that actively addressing blacklisting issues is crucial for maintaining a good online reputation and ensuring that your legitimate emails or services are not affected.

Waht's Next..............

1. Log in to Your VPS Provider's Dashboard:
Access the dashboard provided by your VPS hosting provider using the credentials they provided.

2. Select and Deploy a VPS Instance:
Choose the specifications for your VPS instance, such as the operating system, resources (CPU 4, 8 GB Memory, 60 GB Storage, 10 Gbps DDOS Protection, Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04), and data center location.

Deploy the VPS instance.

3. Access the VPS via SSH:
Once deployed, connect to your VPS using SSH. Most VPS providers offer an SSH key or a password-based authentication method.
Copy code
ssh username@ Next prompt do not panic type yes and copy and paste your vps passwords!

4. Update and Upgrade Packages:
Update the package lists and upgrade the installed packages.
Copy code
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

5. Secure Your VPS:
Change the default SSH port for added security.
Set up a firewall to control incoming and outgoing traffic.

6. Configure Timezone and Locale:
Set the correct timezone and locale for your server.
Copy code
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

7. Setup hostname:
Type this commandline below:
copy code & paste
sudo -i
hostnamectl set-hostname node.xss.tld
to confirm if your hostname added to your server use this command below
$> hostname hit enter

8. Domain Configuration (Optional):
If you have a domain, configure DNS settings to point to your VPS IP address.
9. SSL/TLS Configuration (Optional):
If applicable, set up SSL/TLS certificates for secure connections.
10. Regular Backups:
Implement a backup strategy to protect your data.
11. Monitoring and Maintenance:
Set up monitoring tools and perform regular maintenance tasks.

After this Configuration update/upgrade you do not install whm. i don't use that. use this resource called hestia(dot)com, how to configure H-panel

Step 1-
Download the installation script for the latest release:
copy code and pasge to terminal

$> wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hestiacp/hestiacp/release/install/hst-install.sh

If the download fails due to an SSL validation error, please be sure you've installed the ca-certificate package on your system - you can do this with the following command:
copy code to your commandline:
$> apt-get update && apt-get install ca-certificates

Step 2: Run
To begin the installation process, simply run the script and follow the on-screen prompts:
copy code to your terminal:

$> bash hst-install.sh

if you face error use this command
copy code
$> bash hst-install.sh --force


You need To Find BotBlocker "API-KEY" Sevices That support Phishing Pen tester, You need this service For Real Visitor validation To Mask Your Link AND Make Open Redirect BOT Bypass

*What Next?
If You are a newbie Never try this without Basic Linux/security skills and networking skills

Let Talk About Fast Flux >>>>
What's Fast Flux??

Fast Flux is a technique used in the realm of cyber threats, particularly in the context of botnets and malicious activities. It involves rapidly changing the IP addresses associated with malicious domains or websites, making it challenging for security measures to keep up with and block these malicious entities effectively. Fast Flux is often employed by cybercriminals to hide the true location of their infrastructure and maintain the availability of malicious services.

Here's how Fast Flux typically works:

Dynamic IP Rotation: In a Fast Flux network, the IP addresses associated with malicious domains change rapidly. This rotation is often done at a high frequency, sometimes every few minutes or even seconds.

Use of Proxies and Compromised Hosts: Cybercriminals set up a network of compromised hosts or proxy servers to act as intermediaries between users and the malicious content. These intermediaries constantly change, making it difficult to trace back to the actual source.

Domain Fluxing: In addition to IP rotation, Fast Flux may also involve domain fluxing. This means rapidly changing the domain names associated with the malicious infrastructure. This can be achieved through techniques like domain generation algorithms (DGAs).

Persistence: Fast Flux allows malicious actors to maintain persistence and resilience against takedown attempts. Even if one IP address or domain is blocked, the network can quickly adapt and continue operations with new addresses and domains.

Obfuscation and Evasion: The primary goal of Fast Flux is to evade detection and mitigation efforts by security solutions. The constant changes in IP addresses and domains make it challenging for security systems to create effective blacklists or signatures.

Use Cases:
Malware Distribution: Fast Flux is often associated with malware distribution networks. Malicious content, such as phishing sites or malware download servers, can be hosted using this technique.

Botnet Control: Fast Flux can be employed to control and manage botnets. The rapid rotation of IP addresses and domains makes it difficult for authorities to track and take down command and control (C&C) servers.

Phishing Campaigns: Cybercriminals may use Fast Flux to host phishing websites that collect sensitive information from users.

Behavioral Analysis: Security solutions often employ behavioral analysis to detect patterns associated with Fast Flux activities.

Threat Intelligence: Utilizing threat intelligence feeds helps identify known malicious domains and IP addresses, even in a fast-changing environment.

Anomaly Detection: Detecting unusual patterns in network traffic, such as rapid IP or domain changes, can trigger alerts for further investigation.

DNS Monitoring: Monitoring DNS requests and responses for unusual or suspicious activities is crucial for identifying Fast Flux networks.

For any help or Tutorial kind drop your comment's

Happy phishing and hacking xss.is Fam!!

i am Snark, I am Professional IT security Freelance for Real Life!,

Darkside of me phishing the rich to feed the poor!

You need help for setting up professional spamming/ Cracking smtp.. or inbox issue mailer..
Mail: Manjaro_GooFuzz@proto.me
Tele: @snarkfuzz