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  1. R

    Статья EvoBanco - Vulnerability
  2. R

    Статья EvoBanco - Vulnerability

    With this last post I close the article, as evidence for future problems in the bank, it should be noted that I was watching different cases and I admire how Carrefour Pass (a financial company) took action and how a bank is taking it instead, informing by email not with the notice of the...
  3. R

    Статья EvoBanco - Vulnerability

    CIO: IDE-04890223;70475529X;;;663795057;RUBEN ANDRES PRIEGO;;;12000;12;DESCONOCIDO;CALLE AGUAMARINA, 34;28905 (+12k/m) CFO: IDE-03563329;33508564W;1970-04-11;647357887;647357887;BEATRIZ DE MENDOZA...
  4. R

    Статья EvoBanco - Vulnerability

    Hello, good Spanish readers i want you yo know that the people who are selling the database are all scammers please do not speculate that it's me Greetings to fer from linkedin CISO: IDE-03010616;47284129Q;1988-11-23;661446710;661446710;JAIME CASTRO...
  5. R

    Статья EvoBanco - Vulnerability

    Hello here again, while i was eating a kopobka I have been reflecting and I think that people don't understand what we are getting at with this, we are in front of the magnificent work of evasion of responsibility of a bank and its workers that are so well paid (+10k/month) EvoBanco I sent you...
  6. R

    Статья EvoBanco - Vulnerability

    Firstly it is important to emphasize that this data is not being sold to third parties or any company, please do not write to the private trying to buy it, we just want EvoBanco to be responsible PUBLICLY and not “inform” only to some customers. I have already seen that you have fixed the...
  7. R

    Статья EvoBanco - Vulnerability

    The funny story of a rogue CISO: Hello friends, today I bring you a new adventure that I have been living with a CISO of a Spanish bank (EvoBanco) in recent days, A while ago while I was enjoying the internet, we found a vulnerability in the evobanco registration process, during the creation...