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Search results

  1. C

    Phoenix Native Stealer [C/C++ | 30 KB Build]

    Using it for 2-3 days Is all good and smooth Nice and comfortable web panel Like one from raccoon was Build generated there Domain detects, wallet detects All good so far
  2. C

    Следующий мессенджер?

    I would recomend that you aditionally encrypt it with pgp
  3. C

    Следующий мессенджер?

    Cwtch Briar Speek Something tor based but serverless Tox as protocol should still be used Just not Qtox client There is toxic as cli Utox which is super similar to qtox
  4. C

    Анонимность Telegram, все темы

    Register it on phone with custom opensource OS Use Invizible Pro for Tor proxy Numbers from smspva or smsactivate or similar platform Move them to PC And then put 2fa and remove the session on phone Is not exactly complicated On most of not official clients, like Nekogram or Telegram...
  5. C

    Дубликат Sim

    There are people doing sim swaps for any major US carrier for around 1k and little bit higher. You just need sim where to hold that number Sim of same carrier Also, if you can not do that There are so called holder services in sim swap communitiies, which do it also for few hundreeds. Also...
  6. C

    Office spamming and BEC job

    And I proved it to one of you who messaged me on Telegram Buisness drop by insider which can handle 7-8 digit payments
  7. C

    Телефон, eSim, SIM, итд.

    Вопрос о eSim Всем общий салам. Шарит кто-то за eSim, интересует вопрос, передает ли телефон ip адрес при активации? Какие еще есть подводные камни? Если вдруг ip передается, есть ли смысл на роутер ебашить дабл впн? Последнее редактирование модератором: 29.10.2023
  8. C

    Office spamming and BEC job

    Exactly doc or excell Or good phishing script Nothing else
  9. C

    Office spamming and BEC job

    I can provide you corp bankdrops, and drops created by bank insiders, for purposes of BEC.
  10. C

    Freebie: Antidetect+4k configs

    What antidetect is this ? Dr.Cert ? The one who is banned from Verif for long time Or some other ? There was also some 2k17 shit edition of AD which they are selling on couple of Darkweb markets It looks like this I think no one should waste their time on this, and potentially get infected...
  11. C

    Millions of Fake Usdt

    I have few million of fake Usdt ( Erc20 contract, on Ethereum network ). And I can very easilly make more, and more. If needed I can make billions of it. It can not be swapped to other crypto, but is recognized by Coinbase, Metamask, Trustwallet... Probably some other wallets also, this...
  12. C

    SIM Swapping

    Probably I can connect you with decent swapper, for %, depending on country and mobile provider of course
  13. C

    Understanding distributed & blockchain E2EE communication services.

    Matrix is decentralized ( same as Xmpp ), but unlike Xmpp, over 90% of all users are on same server ( Matrix server, which is btw using Amazon Aws ). Also, very big majority of users is using the same client, Element. In practice I don't see much advantages compared to Xmpp, or to be precise...